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5.6. Populating Customer Information via Links

Creating links to the admin

Some customers find it convenient to add an HTML link to their other customer data systems, which allows them to open a new HelpSpot request. The URL you should use for this is below:


In addition, it's possible to pass in customer information so that the customer information form fields will be pre-filled in. You may pass in the following fields via the URL.

URL Variable Description
sUserId Unique customer ID
sEmail Email address
sFirstName First name
sLastName Last name
sPhone Phone number
tBody The text for the note field
xCategory Put the ID of the category to be selected
xStatus Put the ID of the status to be selected

An example:


Creating links to the portal

The portal's request form may also be populated with data via links. In addition to the above variables that can be passed in, the following are valid for the portal form.

URL Variable Description
fullname A persons full name: "Todd Smith"
sEmail An email address
simple The textarea when using the simple format for the form (the default format)
Custom# A custom field value where # is
fUrgent Set urgency. 1 for urgent, 0 for not.
additional Populates a hidden field that will be submitted with the request and appended to note.

An example:


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