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API Manual
- 1. Live Lookup
- 1.1. Live Lookup Overview
- 1.2. Live Lookup Configuration and Implementation
- 1.3. Configuration for Global Address Book
- 1.4. Configuring Live Lookup To Run Automatically On All New Requests
- 1.5. Sample Implimentation: Azure AD Live Lookup
- 1.6. Sample Implementation: Active Directory via Linked SQL Server
- 1.7. Sample Implementation: 37Signals Highrise
- 1.8. Sample Implimentation: Shopify
- 2. Request Push API
- 3. AJAX Selection Field
- 4. Web Service API
- 5. Email Parser API
- 6. Webhooks
- 7. Zapier Integration
- 8. Formstack Integration
- Appendix
1. Live Lookup
1.1. Live Lookup Overview
Live lookup allows HelpSpot to communicate with an external database, CRM, or system storing customer information pertinent to the support staff.
The power of live lookup is it provides real-time access to data from external systems from within HelpSpot; ensuring accurate customer information and custom field data for reporting purposes.
Sample uses include looking up/inserting: customer ID, contact information, contract status, selected HR data, passwords, or even IT asset profiles.
Basic Workflow
Once enabled, use of live lookup follows this basic workflow.
- Staff click the Live Lookup tab found above the Customer Information box on the request page.
- HelpSpot sends all available customer information and custom field values to a script written by an Administrator (or other technical resource).
- The script will look up the customer information and compare to what is stored in the pre-defined system/database. (Examples: Active Directory, SalesForce).
- Customer information is returned and HelpSpot displays the results in an embedded window. If multiple matches are found, a list will be returned to the User for selecting the correct one.
- With the correct customer selected, their information (and any specified custom fields) can be inserted into HelpSpot.
Live Lookup in Action
The following shows live lookup as it appears for staff on the request page.
Subsequent pages in this chapter provide an in-depth look at configuration and implementation.
1.2. Live Lookup Configuration and Implementation
As mentioned in the previous page, live lookup works by passing information currently available about a customer in a request to an external script you specify.
This is done through either the command line or over http/https (recommended). Once HelpSpot sends all available information via HTTP or as arguments to the command line script, your script will then processes those arguments to find out additional details about the customer and returns a very simple XML document outlined below.
Steps to Set up
- Enable live lookup in admin->settings. Specify if the script is http or command line and provide the full path.
- Once enabled, the Live Lookup tab will become active in the customer information box. When this tab is clicked a live lookup request will be made to the location you specified.
- The following attributes are passed to your script:
- customer_id
- first_name
- last_name
- phone
- request
- sUserID
- xStatus
- xCategory
- xPersonAssignedTo
- Custom# (# is the ID of the custom field being passed)
- acting_person_xperson (staffer running the Live Lookup)
- acting_person_fusertype (staffer level 1-admin, 2-HD, 3-L2, 4-Guest)
- acting_person_fname
- acting_person_lname
- acting_person_email
Note: In command line mode, as of HelpSpot 5.3.0, they are passed in as named parameters. For example:
/livelookup.sh --customer_id=123456 --first_name=Bob --last_name=Jones --email --phone.
Prior to HelpSpot 5.3.0, command line live lookup used unnamed options.When using live lookup in HTTP mode these are passed as shown. For example, given the information in the image above, HelpSpot would pass this HTTP GET string to your script:
?customer_id=123456&first_name=Bob&last_name=Jones&email=&phone= - Your script will process the search parameters passed in and return a result set. A result set containing only one <customer> element is considered a direct match by HelpSpot and the data will be displayed. If multiple <customer> elements are returned then a list of possible matches will be shown to the staff member. They may then click on each to view the details.
Sample PHP Live Lookup scripts are available here:
- Active Directory and LDAP Live Lookup Example
- MySQL Live Lookup Example
- Microsoft SQL Server Live Lookup Example (For HelpSpot V1 + V2)
- Microsoft SQL Server Live Lookup Example (For HelpSpot V3)
- Comma Separated Live Lookup Example
XML Specification
Below is a description and samples of the XML file your script should return when called from HelpSpot Live Lookup. For quick studies here's a simple example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <livelookup version="1.0" columns="first_name,last_name"> <customer> <!-- These are standard elements which can be inserted back into a request --> <customer_id>12334</customer_id> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>Jones</last_name> <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-4278</phone> <!-- These are custom elements which may be useful to the help desk staff member --> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <password>The Password</password> </customer> </livelookup>
Here's a larger Sample File
Root element: <livelookup>
This element must always be the root element of your document. It can contain these attributes:
Attribute | Description | Example |
version | A version string, currently 1.0 | version="1.0" |
columns | This attribute tells HelpSpot which columns to display to your staff when more than one <customer> element is returned. | columns="Organization,Contract_Date" |
Sub element: <customer>
A live lookup result set may contain any number of <customer> sub elements. When none are returned HelpSpot will interpret this to mean no results were found for the search. One is a direct match and if more than one is found each customer element will be listed using the columns described above in the <livelookup> element.
Each <customer> element must return the sub element <customer_id>. All other elements are optional, but if found they will be insertable into HelpSpots request fields.
Element | Description | Example |
<customer_id> | Required: should return a unique value for the customer | <customer_id>12334</customer_id> |
<first_name> | The customers first name | <first_name>Bob</first_name> |
<last_name> | The customers last name | <last_name>Jones</last_name> |
<email> | The customers email address | <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> |
<phone> | The customers phone number | <phone>845-555-8765</phone> |
<Custom#> | A custom field value where # is the Custom field ID from Admin->Organize->Custom Fields. | <Custom1>New York City</Custom1> |
User Defined Elements
In addition to the predefined elements listed above, user defined elements specific to your installation may be returned. These elements will be show in the results along with the predefined ones. For example, you may want to return the customers password so staff don't have to continue looking up the password in a seperate browser window. To do that you would simply return <password>The Password</password> along with the other elements in your <customer> tag. The examples below show this feature.
Returning HTML
You can return HTML in your Live Lookup results by using a standard cdata block such as:
<admin_link> <![CDATA[ <a href="http://admin.company.com">Company Admin</a> ]]> </admin_link>
This is very useful for passing back tables of information, links to other systems or to emphasize information such as turning an expired support contract into red text.
Custom Field Example
To pass information in which maps to a custom field you need to add your XML tags in a special format. The tags should be <Custom#> where # is the ID number of the custom field (shown on the custom field page within HelpSpot). This tag is case sensitive and will automatically show the correct name of the custom field when the field is displayed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <livelookup version="1.0" columns="first_name,last_name"> <customer> <customer_id>12334</customer_id> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>Jones</last_name> <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-4278</phone> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <Custom1>New York</Custom1> <Custom5>Building 743</Custom5> </customer> </livelookup>
Example: Single Match
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <livelookup version="1.0" columns="first_name,last_name"> <customer> <customer_id>12334</customer_id> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>Jones</last_name> <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-4278</phone> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <password>The Password</password> </customer> </livelookup>
Results in:
Example: Multiple Matches
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <livelookup version="1.0" columns="first_name,last_name"> <customer> <customer_id>12334</customer_id> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>Jones</last_name> <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-4278</phone> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <password>The Password</password> </customer> <customer> <customer_id>56757</customer_id> <first_name>Tina</first_name> <last_name>Smith</last_name> <email>tsmith@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-8932</phone> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <password>abcdefg</password> </customer> <customer> <customer_id>95544</customer_id> <first_name>Tim</first_name> <last_name>Myers</last_name> <email>tmyers@sampleinc.com</email> <phone>845-555-9812</phone> <organization>Sample Inc</organization> <password>thyekbg</password> </customer> </livelookup>
Results in:
1.3. Configuration for Global Address Book
HelpSpot's address book is designed to optionally query Live Lookup results for address book contacts. In additional to HelpSpot's own address book storage, this functionality allows a truly global address book that can return contacts from nearly any source.
Using Live Lookup as a global address book requires the same configuration as a standard Live Lookup, in fact it uses your existing Live Lookup search sources. The only difference is that the address book looks for some particular XML tags in the results and treats them special.
The main 3 XML elements (first_name, last_name, email) are standard in most Live Lookup scripts so in most cases the address book can use existing Live Lookup results with no changes, however, the additional 3 tags can be useful to make the results richer.
Live Lookup Address Book Tags
Element | Description | Example |
<first_name> | The customers first name | <first_name>Bob</first_name> |
<last_name> | The customers last name | <last_name>Jones</last_name> |
<email> | The customers email address | <email>bjones@sampleinc.com</email> |
<title> | This persons title | <title>Division Manager</title> |
<description> | A description of what the person does or why they should be contacted. | <description>Overnight contact</description> |
<highlight> | If the person should be listed at the top of the results | <highlight>1</highlight> |
1.4. Configuring Live Lookup To Run Automatically On All New Requests
If you'd like to configure Live Lookup to run automatically on all new requests, you'll need to create a trigger to do so.
Head to Admin, Triggers & Rules, and finally select Triggers.
On this screen, you'll want to create a trigger similar to the following image:
This trigger is running on all new requests as soon as they're opened, and it's performing a Live Lookup with the source that's named 'Live Lookup' in this example.
1.5. Sample Implimentation: Azure AD Live Lookup
Azure AD Live Lookup for HelpSpot is a command line application that allows for livelookups against Azure AD using the Microsoft Graph API.
1.6. Sample Implementation: Active Directory via Linked SQL Server
This code and instructions were graciously contributed by Richard Edwards of DNN Stuff.
This implementation explains how to connect to Active Directory via a link through Microsoft SQL Server rather than directly via PHP's LDAP functions. Using this linked method has shown significant performance improvements when querying for Live Lookup results.
- Create a linked server on MS SQL Server by issuing the following command: sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Service Interfaces', 'ADSDSOObject', 'adsdatasource'
- In SQL Enterprise Manager, go to Security, Linked Servers, ADSI and right click, choose properties
- On Security tab, select the last option 'Be made with this security context' and enter an account that has access to read Active Directory, click OK.
- Put the live_lookup_ad_mssql_linkedserver.php file (downloadable below) into your HelpSpot custom_code directory
- Edit the file and change the parameters for $myServer, $myUser, $myPass to point to your MS SQL server. Also, edit line 61 (the AD query) to use your domain. For example change DC=example,DC=com to OU=my org unit,DC=mydomain,DC=net if you wanted to just search the organizational unit 'my org unit' for the domain 'mydomain.net'. The query on lines 60-62 determines the scope of the search.
- In HelpSpot under Admin->Settings change the Live Lookup URL to point to this file
1.7. Sample Implementation: 37Signals Highrise
This PHP script allows integration between HelpSpot and Highrise using HelpSpot's Live Lookup API. Using Live Lookup staff can view customer details stored in Highrise directly from the request screen. The script also serves as an example of how Live Lookup can be used with another web service API in only a few lines of code.
- PHP 5+
- PHP Curl Module installed
Download the file below and place on any web server in a location where HelpSpot can reach the file via HTTP. In HelpSpot set the location of the file in Admin->Settings->Live Lookup and integration is complete.
1.8. Sample Implimentation: Shopify
Download The Sample Script
The sample Shopify Live Lookup integration can be downloaded here: https://github.com/helpspot/shopify-live-lookup
Shopify Setup
- Login to your store's admin area
- Click on Apps
- Select "Manage Private Apps"
- Choose "Create Private App"
- Enter the needed settings giving the app read access to your store
- You will then be given the API key and password to use to authenticate the live lookup integration
Livelookup setup
- Download the live lookup script and open shopify.php in an editor
- Specify a random string for the `$ll_key`. This adds basic security to the script to prevent unauthorized access to your customer information
- Enter you store URL, api key and password in the variables at the top of the file:
//your store url without a trailing "/" $store_url = "https://mystoreurl.myshopify.com"; //The api key and password are created when setting up the private app in the shopify settings $api_key = "yourapikeyhere"; $api_pwd = "yourapipasswordhere";
- Save your changes to the custom_code folder in your HelpSpot installation.
- In the HelpSpot web admin area go to Admin > Settings > Live Lookup
Add a new Live Lookup specifying a name, via GET and then the URL for your livelookup script. To build the URL we'll use the `$ll_key` set earlier. Example:
Example Results
2. Request Push API
2.1. Request Push Overview
The Request Push API allows you to "push" a request out of HelpSpot into another system. Using this functionality you can tie HelpSpot to other business applications such as bug trackers, CRM tools, Intranets, and communication systems.
The basics of the Request Push API are as follows. Once you've created a Request Push API file (outlined in the Implementation Guide) each request page will have a Request Push link in the options area. An optional comment can be added before selecting the receiving system and clicking the push button to initiate the process.
Once initiated within HelpSpot, your code will pick-up the request information and perform the action(s) you defined. Normally this will be a call to another systems API, but it could be a database insert, sending an email, etc.
You can optionally return to HelpSpot a unique ID. If a unique ID is provided HelpSpot will make available a link in the request where an update can be retrieved from the receiving system.
Example: a request is pushed to a bug tracker. A link would be available inside the request page that allows staff to retrieve the status of this bug. Your code returns an HTML block formatted as you have defined to show the information you need displayed. The left column is information provided by HelpSpot, the right column is your returned HTML.
Note: Since HelpSpot 2.6 a Request Push can also be initiated via an Automation Rule. This can be very useful in automating the pushing of requests into other systems.
2.2. Request Push Implementation Guide
Implementing the Request Push API requires 4 steps.
- Copy the /custom_code/RequestPush-base.php file to a new name
- Rename class
- Write the code for the push method of the PHP class
- Write the code for the details method of the PHP class (optional)
Creating the Push File
HelpSpot determines the available request push destinations by the files and names of the files in the /custom_code directory in HelpSpot. To create a new push destination you must first copy the /custom_code/RequestPush-base.php file to /custom_code/RequestPush-YOURNAME.php (where YOURNAME is the name of your destination). The name should only contain letters, numbers, underscores and dashes. No spaces.
Valid file name: RequestPush-Mantis.php
Invalid name: RequestPush-Mantis Bug Tracker.php
Rename the Class
Once the new push file is created, open in a text editor. Near the top of the file you'll see a line that looks as follows:
class RequestPush_base{
You should rename the class and replace 'base' with the name you used in the file. So from the above example our class should now look like this:
class RequestPush_Mantis{
Be sure capitalization, dashes and/or underscores are consistent.
Writing the Push Method
The class has 2 methods. The first is the push method, this is the method that accepts the request information and processes it. Processing can be anything required by the system you're integrate with. Normally this will be an API call, a database insert, sending an email, or even a combination of actions.
There's a few important items to cover before you can write your push code:
Request Data Format
The request data is passed into the push method as an associative array. The array contains these keys:
Array( [xRequest] => 12400 [fOpenedVia] => 7 [xOpenedViaId] => 0 [xPersonOpenedBy] => 0 [xPersonAssignedTo] => 1 [fOpen] => 1 [xStatus] => 1 [fUrgent] => 1 [xCategory] => 4 [dtGMTOpened] => 1183214861 [dtGMTClosed] => 0 [iLastReplyBy] => 1 [iLastReadCount] => 21 [fTrash] => 0 [dtGMTTrashed] => 0 [sRequestPassword] => "hckzke" [sTitle] => "" [sUserId] => "" [sFirstName] => "Bob" [sLastName] => "Jones" [sEmail] => "bobjones@gmail.com" [sPhone] => "" [sRequestHash] => 9582c31acbac5f8556df01f84817cf4c [Custom##] => "" [fullname] => "Bob Jones" [staff_comment] => "" [assigned_person_fname] => "Tom" [assigned_person_lname] => "Landers" [assigned_person_email] => "tlanders@company.com" [acting_person_xperson] => 7 [acting_person_fusertype] => 1 [acting_person_fname] => "Tina" [acting_person_lname] => "Jones" [acting_person_email] => "tjones@company.com" [request_history] => Array( [236] => Array( [xRequestHistory] => 236 [xRequest] => 12403 [xPerson] => 1 [dtGMTChange] => 1184021870 [fPublic] => 0 [fInitial] => 0 [fNoteIsHTML] => 0 [fMergedFromRequest] => 0 [tLog] => "" [tNote] => "Request history note" [tEmailHeaders] => "" [file] => Array( [0] => Array( [sFileMimeType] => image/jpeg [sFilename] => icon.jpg [xDocumentId] => 59 [public_url] => http://www.site.com/index.php?... [private_url] => http://www.site.com/admin.php?... ) ) ) ) )
You can read about each field on the API field definition page.
Return Unique ID
After you've pushed the request to your other system you may optionally return a unique ID. If you do return a unique ID, HelpSpot will retain this ID to allow staff to retrieve updates about this push. It's important that the ID be unique, it will be the only parameter passed to the "details" method of the Request Push class you're implementing. You'll need to use that ID to retrieve the update information.
The returned ID may contain any characters and be up to 255 characters long. You return the ID by adding a return statement to the push method as shown below:
function push($request){ /* Perform actions with request data here */ return "UNIQUE ID"; }
Error Handling
Error messaging in the classes $errorMsg property must be set to address situations when a push cannot be completed. If set, HelpSpot will detect this and display the error to the staff member attempting the push. Errors are not logged at this time.
function push($request){ //Something has gone wrong $this->errorMsg = "Couldn't connect to database"; }
Writing the Details Method
If you opt to return unique ID's in the push method, you should also implement the details method so those ID's return information about a push.
The details method is passed only one argument, the unique ID of a previous Request Push. The details method should use that ID to query the system being pushed to and find out whatever information there is about the status of the pushed request. You can then format those details into HTML and return the HTML. Here's a short example:
function details($id){ /* Go get details using ID here */ //Format details into HTML $html = '<b>'.$status.'</b>'; return $html; }
Note in this very simple example we're returning a status code in bold. You could do much more with this. For instance you could build out a full HTML table to display the details. Also note, you don't have to build the HTML within the details method. You can have an external script which builds the HTML. In the details method you simply call that script with the ID and return the completed HTML.
2.3. Sample Implementation: FogBugz
This is a sample Request Push API file for the bug tracker FogBugz. This example is functional as is, but could also be expanded upon as needed for your particular installation. By adding this file to your HelpSpot installation you'll allow staff members in HelpSpot to push a request directly into FogBugz as well as check on the progress of that newly created case from within HelpSpot.
- FogBugz Version 6+
- FogBugz API version 3+
- PHP version 5.1.0+
- PHP CURL module installed
Installation Instructions
- Download the file below
- Open the file in a text editor and edit the following 3 variables:
- $fb_url - The URL to your FogBugz installation
- $fb_user_email - The email of the user who should be used to login to the API
- $fb_user_password - The password of the user who should be used to login to the API
- Upload the file into HelpSpot's /custom_code folder
That's it, you'll now be able to push any existing request from HelpSpot into FogBugz.
2.4. Sample Implementation: 37 Signals Highrise
This is a sample Request Push API file for the CRM tool, Highrise. This example is functional as is, but could also be expanded upon as needed for your particular needs. By adding this file to your HelpSpot installation you'll allow staff members in HelpSpot to push a customer/person/contact directly into Highrise. The attached script will also check that you're not adding a person who already exists so that duplicates are not created.
- PHP version 5.1.0+
- PHP CURL module installed
Installation Instructions
- Download the file below
- Open the file in a text editor and edit the following 2 variables:
- $highrise_url - The URL to your Highrise installation
- $api_token - An API token from your "my info" page
- Upload the file into HelpSpot's /custom_code folder
That's it, you'll now be able to push any existing request from HelpSpot into Highrise.
2.5. Sample Implementation: 37 Signals Campfire
This is a sample Request Push API file for the group chat tool, Campfire. This script by default logs the staff comment to a Campfire chat room, though it could be modified to include other information like the initial request note, status, category and so on.
This script is particularly useful to use with Automation Rules. You can have an Automation Rule use this Request Push script as it's action, so each time a request meets a certain set of conditions post a note in your Campfire account.
- PHP version 5.2.1+ Preferred, Should work with any version though if upload_tmp_dir is set.
- PHP CURL module installed
Installation Instructions
- Download the file below
- Open the file in a text editor and edit the following 4 variables:
- $campfire_url - The full URL to your account. ex: http://[account].campfirenow.com
- $campfire_username - The Campfire user you want to log messages as. (usually an email address)
- $campfire_password - The users Campfire password
- $campfire_roomid - The room ID we want to log to. You can find this in the URL of the room when you enter it. ex: /room/182650 - 182650 is the ID
- Upload the file into HelpSpot's /custom_code folder
That's it, you'll now be able to push any existing request from HelpSpot into Campfire.
2.6. Sample Implementation: ActiveCollab
This is a sample Request Push API file for the project management tool ActiveCollab. This example is functional as is, but could also be expanded upon as needed for your particular installation. By adding this file to your HelpSpot installation you'll allow staff members in HelpSpot to push a request directly into ActiveCollab to create a new ticket.
- PHP version 5.1.0+
- PHP CURL module installed
Installation Instructions
- Download the file below
- Open the file in a text editor and edit the following 3 variables:
- $acollab_projid - The project ID to add a ticket to
- $acollab_token - Your API token
- $acollab_url - ActiveCollab URL from the API token page
- Upload the file into HelpSpot's /custom_code folder
That's it, you'll now be able to push any existing request from HelpSpot into ActiveCollab.
3. AJAX Selection Field
3.1. AJAX Custom Field Overview
The AJAX Selection Field is a dynamic way to enter information into a request. The AJAX Selection Field is similar to a regular text custom field, however, its value may be set by a drop down list created dynamically (in real time) through the use of AJAX (a web scripting technology). This allows the drop down list to be custom to the specific customer or even that specific request. It also proves to be useful in situations where the values of a drop down list may change periodically as it eliminates the need to edit the custom field values in HelpSpot.
When an AJAX Selection Field is used all the information about the request is passed to a script you write (outlined in the implementation guide). Your script can use that information to return drop down list items specific to that request.
One sample use of this is to return a list of billing codes that are specific to a customer or category.
Another feature of the AJAX Selection Field is that it can be used as a search box. Along with information on the request, your script is also sent the value of the AJAX Selection Field. So if you enter a search term in the text box and then click the AJAX Selection field button, the script can use that search term to produce the drop down list of results.
3.2. AJAX Selection Field Implementation Guide
The first step in creating an AJAX Selection field is to create a script file on your web server. This script can be in any language, common selections are PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, or Ruby. An example file in PHP is linked at the bottom of this page.
This script will be called via HTTP GET with the following query parameters:
- xStatus
- xPersonAssignedTo
- xCategory
- sUserId
- sPhone
- sLastName
- sFirstName
- sEmail
- Custom## (note all custom fields will be included)
- callingField
Details on the meaning of these parameters can be found on the API field definition page.
One field to note is "callingField". This parameter holds the value of the AJAX Selection Field who's button was pushed. This value can be useful if you want to use the AJAX Selection Field as a search box.
Using the parameters sent to your script, you'll query your data source. Once you have the selection list you'd like to return you simply format it in the XML specified below and return that to the HTTP call.
AJAX Selection Field XML Specification
The XML your script should return is very simple. An empty result set is below:
<ajaxfield> <option> <value></value> <description></description> </option> </ajaxfield>
For each selection item you should have a pair of option tags. Each option tag has within it a set of value and description tags. The value holds the value which should be entered into the field when the option is selected. The description is the text shown to the staff member in the drop down select list. An example of the XML and the select list is produces is below:
<ajaxfield> <option> <value>#4878</value> <description>Support</description> </option>
<option> <value>#9978</value> <description>Emergency Support</description> </option> <option> <value>#9775</value> <description>Custom Development</description> </option>
<option> <value>#2111</value> <description>Training</description> </option> </ajaxfield>
This XML results in:
4. Web Service API
4.1. Web Service API Overview
The HelpSpot web services API is designed to allow you to integrate HelpSpot with other applications. These may be desktop or web based, back office or for the public.
API Design
The HelpSpot API is an HTTP based API, meaning that all interactions take place over standard HTTP. For example, GET requests are used to retrieve information and POST requests to submit information.
The API supports 3 different types of return values: XML, JSON, or PHP. Depending on what client application you're accessing the API from one return format may be easier to use than another. For instance, if you're accessing the API from a javascript library using JSON will be easiest as JSON is javascript. For a desktop client using the API, XML is likely best since that will be the easiest to parse and display. The default return type is XML.
Public/Private Interfaces
The foundation of the API is the distinction between the public and private interfaces. The public API works just like the HelpSpot portal in that it requires no authentication to use. The private interface is designed for applications that need to access the system as a staff member and require authentication.
Public Interface
To use the public API you must first enable it in Admin->Settings->Web Services API. Once enabled any application that implements the API can submit API requests to that installation. A few simple example uses of the public API follow:
- Add built in request submission and tracking to an application your company builds, removing the need for customers to leave the application to request support.
- Allow web forms on different sites to all submit to the same HelpSpot installation.
- Allow automated logging of server/hardware errors to HelpSpot as requests.
- Pull knowledge book information into an intranet or application
- Log maintenance issues to the public forum
Private Interface
To use the private API you must first enable it in Admin->Settings->Web Services API. Once enabled any clients which implement the private API can submit API requests to that installation. A few example uses of the private API follow:
- Integrate a users filters into their intranet homepage.
- Display a users filters in a custom desktop applicaiton.
- Submit requests with full control over categories, custom fields and assignment from any external application.
- Integrate HelpSpot with other server systems staff use and allow cross request generation and filter display.
- Create a custom notification system
4.2. API Basics: URL, Methods, Return Formats, Authentication
How to Enable the API
By default both the public and private API's are disabled. You must enable them to use them in Admin->Settings->Web Services API
The API is accessed from the URL: http://www.domain.com/api/index.php.
Specific methods are accessed by using the "method" query string parameter. Example:
Public vs Private
The HelpSpot API contains both public and private methods. Private methods require authentication, public do not. Private methods are those that start with "private". For example: private.filter.get
Return Format
3 return types are currently supported:
- XML (this is the default)
- Serialized PHP
You can specify the return type you wish to receive back from the API by adding the "output" query string parameter to your API URL. If you want to receive XML then you do not need to specify the output as that is the default. Example:
The "output" parameter will accept xml, json, or php as valid values.
Private API Authentication
API Authentication Tokens
API Tokens allow requests to be authenticated to the Private API without using a user's credentials. API keys are generated in the staff preferences area of HelpSpot user's profile. The API key generated by a given staff member will have the same rights and roles as the user who generated the API key.
To use an API key after it is generated the API key needs to be passed in an "Authorization" header with the value of "Bearer" + the API key. Here is a CURL example:
curl "http://mydomain.com/api/index.php?method=private.request.get&xRequest=13209" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 1|5VdNXJEtsPoFpX1KH5yc0BO2wlCqDp0sRTxZtox3'
Basic Authentication
Private API need a staff member's email address (or username if using Black Box / LDAP auth) and password. There are 2 ways to pass this information to the API. Note that basic authentication to the API is disabled if SAML2 auth is used.
1. HTTP Basic Authentication
You may pass in the username and password via HTTP basic authentication. Libraries such as cURL generally support this.
2. URL Parameters
The information may be passed directly in the URL as parameters. This is not are recommended way of authenticating as your credentials will appear in the URL and may be logged etc.
Version Information
You may always retrieve the current and minimum versions of the API by calling the "version" method. Example:
/api/index.php?method=private.version (note this requires authentication as all private methods do)
This method will return:
- version - The current version of the API the installation is using.
- min_version - The minimum version of the API a client application must support in order to operate correctly with the server installation. For instance, if the server API is currently 3.0 with a minimum version of 2.0 then a client written to use the 1.0 API would not function properly. Clients should check this value before using the API.
If an error occurs instead of the methods XML an error XML data will be returned instead. The data is in this format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <errors> <error> <id>2</id> <description>User authentication failed</description> </error> </errors>
More than one error tag may occur in the root errors tag.
If the API type being accessed (public or private) is not enabled in Admin->Settings an error in the following format will be returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <reply>Private API not enabled</reply>
Errors always return a "400 Bad Request" HTTP header as well.
The Easiest Way to Try the API
The easiest way to start is by using curl or even FireFox to try some of the public API calls. Make sure the public API is enabled, then try these URL's:
- Get the version:
/api/index.php?method=version - List the public knowledge books:
/api/index.php?method=kb.list - Get an existing request in the system:
/api/index.php?method=request.get&accesskey=####(use the access key for the request)
4.3. API Error Codes
This page lists the error codes that may be returned by the HelpSpot Web Service API. Details on the XML format of errors is available on the API Basics page.
ID | Error Message |
001 | Authentication information not sent |
002 | User authentication failed |
003 | Too many failed login attempts. Please wait a minute and try again |
101 | Required parameter ### not supplied (custom field parameters are considered required if they are included in an API call) |
102 | Valid access key required |
103 | Valid request ID required |
104 | Email or password not valid |
105 | Valid email required |
201 | Invalid method provided |
202 | Could not create topic |
203 | Forum is closed |
204 | Could not create post |
205 | Topic ID does not exist |
206 | Could not create request |
207 | Could not create request: ### |
208 | Request has been merged |
209 | Time event could not be added |
210 | Request could not be updated |
211 | Password could not be updated |
212 | Could not update request: ### |
213 | Could not merge requests |
301 | Trial expired |
302 | Maintenance mode enabled |
303 | private.customer.getPasswordByEmail has been removed as passwords are no longer stored in a way that are accessible by the system |
If the API type being accessed (public/private) is not enabled in Admin->Settings the following errors will be returned.
Type | Message |
Public |
Public API not enabled |
Private |
Private API not enabled |
4.4. Public Methods
Be sure you've read the API Basics before working with the public API.
You can find what each field/parameter is on the API Field Definitions page.
- customer.getRequests
- request.create
- request.update
- request.getCategories
- request.getCustomFields
- request.get
- forums.list
- forums.get
- forums.getTopics
- forums.getPosts
- forums.createTopic
- forums.createPost
- forums.search
- kb.list
- kb.get
- kb.getBookTOC
- kb.getPage
- kb.search
- kb.voteHelpful
- kb.voteNotHelpful
- util.getFieldLabels
customer.getRequests |
Return all requests for a customer. | |
Available as of HelpSpot version: 2.4.2 | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=customer.getRequests |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | Note that this method follows the settings used on the portal, so if Black Box Authentication for the portal login is in use that type of username should be in the sEmail field. |
Other notes: | The results are also based on the setting for Admin->Settings->Portal->Show Request History Based On. This determines if matches are based on email address or customer ID. Email address is the default. |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=customer.getRequests&sEmail=tsmith@companyco.com&sPassword=nusoxdln" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <requests> <request> <xRequest>12489</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>2</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>0</xOpenedViaId> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>1</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>2</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>1212776831</dtGMTOpened> <sRequestPassword>jiicxp</sRequestPassword> <sTitle>RE: Information on Your Request</sTitle> <sUserId /> <sFirstName>Tim</sFirstName> <sLastName>Smith</sLastName> <sEmail>tsmith@companyco.com</sEmail> <sPhone /> <sCategory>Account Inquiries</sCategory> <sStatus>Active</sStatus> <tNote>I am looking for information on my account.</tNote> <fullname>Tim Smith</fullname> <accesskey>12489jiicxp</accesskey> </request> </requests> |
request.create |
Create a new request. Acts exactly as the portal web form. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=request.create |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | In addition to tNote you must also have at least one of the following set: sFirstName,sLastName,sUserId,sEmail,sPhone. |
Other notes: | Custom field rules for selected category apply. |
Simple Example:curl -F"tNote=This is the request." -F"sUserId=12345" http://.../api/index.php?method=request.create |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <request> <xRequest>12744</xRequest> <accesskey>12744uaxith</accesskey> </request> |
request.update |
Update an existing request. The only option is to add a note, just as in the web portal. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=request.update |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl -F"accesskey=12345abcxyz" -F"tNote=Update the request." http://.../api/index.php?method=request.update |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <request> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> </request> |
request.getCategories |
Returns a list of all the public categories | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=request.getCategories |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example:curl http://.../api/index.php?method=request.getCategories |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <categories> <category> <xCategory>3</xCategory> <sCategory>Usage Question</sCategory> <sCustomFieldList> <xCustomField>7</xCustomField> <xCustomField>5</xCustomField> <xCustomField>11</xCustomField> <xCustomField>9</xCustomField> <xCustomField>2</xCustomField> </sCustomFieldList> </category> <category> <xCategory>1</xCategory> <sCategory>Report a Bug</sCategory> <sCustomFieldList> <xCustomField>2</xCustomField> </sCustomFieldList> </category> </categories> |
request.getCustomFields |
Returns a list of all the public custom fields | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=request.getCustomFields |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example:curl http://.../api/index.php?method=request.getCustomFields |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <customfields> <field> <xCustomField>6</xCustomField> <fieldName>Office</fieldName> <isRequired>0</isRequired> <fieldType>text</fieldType> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <sTxtSize>30</sTxtSize> <lrgTextRows /> <listItems /> <iDecimalPlaces>0</iDecimalPlaces> <sRegex /> <isAlwaysVisible>1</isAlwaysVisible> </field> <field> <xCustomField>2</xCustomField> <fieldName>Database</fieldName> <isRequired>0</isRequired> <fieldType>select</fieldType> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <sTxtSize /> <lrgTextRows /> <listItems> <item>MySQL</item> <item>MS SQL Server</item> <item>PostgreSQL</item> </listItems> <iDecimalPlaces>0</iDecimalPlaces> <sRegex /> <isAlwaysVisible>0</isAlwaysVisible> </field> </customfields> |
request.get |
Return all public information on a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=request.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=request.get&accesskey=12345abcxyz" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <request> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Web Service</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>0</xOpenedViaId> <xPersonOpenedBy /> <xPersonAssignedTo>Ian Landsman</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>Active</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>Bugs</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>September 24, 2007</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed /> <sRequestPassword>itetxb</sRequestPassword> <sTitle /> <sUserId>12345</sUserId> <sFirstName /> <sLastName /> <sEmail /> <sPhone /> <iLastReplyBy>Ian Landsman</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname> </fullname> <reportingTags> <tag> <xReportingTag>2</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>Printer</sReportingTag> </tag> <tag> <xReportingTag>3</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>Software</sReportingTag> </tag> </reportingTags> <request_history> <item> <xRequestHistory>1378</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson>Ian Landsman</xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Tue, September 25, 2007, 11:00 AM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote><p>An HTML note example</p></tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>1</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files> <file> <sFileMimeType>application/pdf</sFileMimeType> <sFilename>Invoice.pdf</sFilename> <xDocumentId>60</xDocumentId> <public_url>http://www.domain.com/index.php?pg=file&from=3&id=60&reqid=12745&reqhisid=1378</public_url> <private_url>http://www.domain.com/admin.php?pg=file&from=0&id=60&showfullsize=1&download=1</private_url> </file> </files> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1377</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson>Ian Landsman</xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Tue, September 25, 2007, 11:00 AM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>0</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog>Category changed from "" to "Bugs"</tLog> <tNote /> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1376</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson> </xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Mon, September 24, 2007, 08:03 PM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote>Plain text update to the request.</tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files /> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1375</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson> </xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Mon, September 24, 2007, 07:44 PM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>1</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote>This is the request.</tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files /> </item> </request_history> </request> |
forums.list |
Returns a list of all the public forums | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.list |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example:curl http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.list |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <forums> <forum> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <sForumName>Product Beta</sForumName> <sDescription>Discuss questions, bugs, ideas and more</sDescription> <fClosed>0</fClosed> <iOrder>0</iOrder> </forum> </forums> |
forums.get |
Return information on a forum. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.get&xForumId=1" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <forum> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <sForumName>Product Beta</sForumName> <sDescription>Discuss questions, bugs, ideas and more</sDescription> <fClosed>0</fClosed> <iOrder>0</iOrder> </forum> |
forums.getTopics |
Return a list of topics from the given forum. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.getTopics |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.getTopics&xForumId=1" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <topics> <topic> <xTopicId>43</xTopicId> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <fClosed>0</fClosed> <fSticky>0</fSticky> <dtGMTPosted>1190081243</dtGMTPosted> <sName>Bob Smith</sName> <sTopic>How do I get started with installation</sTopic> <postcount>2</postcount> </topic> <topic> <xTopicId>42</xTopicId> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <fClosed>0</fClosed> <fSticky>0</fSticky> <dtGMTPosted>1190080694</dtGMTPosted> <sName>Tiny Jones</sName> <sTopic>Bug in the installer</sTopic> <postcount>2</postcount> </topic> </topics> |
forums.getPosts |
Return a list of posts from the given topic. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.getPosts |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.getPosts&xTopicId=1" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <posts> <post> <xPostId>171</xPostId> <xTopicId>43</xTopicId> <dtGMTPosted>1190081243</dtGMTPosted> <sName>Bob Smith</sName> <sURL /> <tPost>This is my post.</tPost> <sLabel /> </post> <post> <xPostId>172</xPostId> <xTopicId>43</xTopicId> <dtGMTPosted>1190081249</dtGMTPosted> <sName>Jen Tandy</sName> <sURL /> <tPost>Another post in reply.</tPost> <sLabel /> </post> </posts> |
forums.createTopic |
Create a new forum topic. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.createTopic |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl -F"xForumId=1" -F"sTopic=Help with things" -F"tPost=Initial post" -F"sName=Bob Jones" http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.createTopic |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <topic> <xTopicId>44</xTopicId> </topic> |
forums.createPost |
Create a new forum post in the topic specified. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.createPost |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl -F"xTopicId=43" -F"tPost=Reply to a post" -F"sName=Bob Jones" http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.createPost |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <post> <xPostId>174</xPostId> </post> |
forums.search |
Return a list of topics that match the search string. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=forums.search |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=forums.search&q=installation" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <topics> <topic> <link>?pg=forums.posts&id=22</link> <desc>It would be great if the forums included a profile page.</desc> <sTopic>suggestion for forums</sTopic> <xTopicId>22</xTopicId> <sForumName>Product Beta</sForumName> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <dtGMTPosted>1127936511</dtGMTPosted> </topic> <topic> <link>?pg=forums.posts&id=13</link> <desc>The installer has been updated to 3.4, please download and try it.</desc> <sTopic>Update to the installer</sTopic> <xTopicId>13</xTopicId> <sForumName>Product Beta</sForumName> <xForumId>1</xForumId> <dtGMTPosted>1126815203</dtGMTPosted> </topic> </topics> |
kb.list |
Returns a list of all the public knowledge books | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.list |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example:curl http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.list |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <books> <book> <xBook>1</xBook> <sBookName>HelpSpot Manual</sBookName> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <tDescription>Everything you need to install, administer, and use HelpSpot.</tDescription> </book> </books> |
kb.get |
Return information on a knowledge book. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.get&xBook=1" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <book> <xBook>1</xBook> <sBookName>Product Manual</sBookName> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <tDescription>Everything you need to install, administer, and use our product.</tDescription> </book> |
kb.getBookTOC |
Return a knowledge books table of contents. Can optionally include the full HTML of each page of the book. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.getBookTOC |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.getBookTOC&xBook=1" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <toc> <chapter> <name>1. Getting Started</name> <xChapter>2</xChapter> <sChapterName>Getting Started</sChapterName> <iOrder>1</iOrder> <fAppendix>0</fAppendix> <pages> <page> <name>1.1. Getting your help desk up and running</name> <xPage>5</xPage> <xChapter>2</xChapter> <sPageName>Getting your help desk up and running</sPageName> <iOrder>1</iOrder> <fHighlight>1</fHighlight> <tags> <tag>Pricing</tag> <tag>Pre-sales</tag> <tag>Application</tag> <tag>Service</tag> </tags> </page> </pages> </chapter> <chapter> <name>2. Installation</name> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sChapterName>Installation</sChapterName> <iOrder>2</iOrder> <fAppendix>0</fAppendix> <pages> <page> <name>2.1. Requirements</name> <xPage>2</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Requirements</sPageName> <iOrder>1</iOrder> <fHighlight>0</fHighlight> <tags> <tag>Pricing</tag> <tag>Pre-sales</tag> <tag>Application</tag> <tag>Service</tag> </tags> <relatedpages> <relatedpage> <xRelatedPage>215</xRelatedPage> <sPageName>User Configuration</sPageName> <sChapterName>Setup</sChapterName> <sBookName>Admin Manual</sBookName> <xBook>1</xBook> </relatedpage> <relatedpage> <xRelatedPage>102</xRelatedPage> <sPageName>Installing on SQL Server</sPageName> <sChapterName>Installation</sChapterName> <sBookName>Admin Manual</sBookName> <xBook>1</xBook> </relatedpage> </relatedpages> </page> <page> <name>2.2. Installing the Product</name> <xPage>3</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Installing the Product</sPageName> <iOrder>3</iOrder> <fHighlight>1</fHighlight> <tags> <tag>Pricing</tag> </tags> </page> <page> <name>2.3. Creating the Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Index</name> <xPage>4</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Creating the Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Index</sPageName> <iOrder>4</iOrder> <fHighlight>0</fHighlight> </page> <page> <name>2.4. Upgrading</name> <xPage>14</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Upgrading</sPageName> <iOrder>5</iOrder> <fHighlight>1</fHighlight> </page> <page> <name>2.5. Clean Upgrade</name> <xPage>16</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Clean Upgrade</sPageName> <iOrder>6</iOrder> <fHighlight>0</fHighlight> </page> </pages> </chapter> </toc> |
kb.getPage |
Return information on a knowledge book page. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.getPage |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.getPage&xPage=16" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <page> <name>2.5. Clean Upgrade</name> <xPage>16</xPage> <xChapter>3</xChapter> <sPageName>Clean Upgrade</sPageName> <tPage><p>This is the HTML body of the page.</p></tPage> <iOrder>6</iOrder> <fHighlight>0</fHighlight> <tags> <tag>Pricing</tag> <tag>Pre-sales</tag> <tag>Application</tag> <tag>Service</tag> </tags> <relatedpages> <relatedpage> <xRelatedPage>215</xRelatedPage> <sPageName>User Configuration</sPageName> <sChapterName>Setup</sChapterName> <sBookName>Admin Manual</sBookName> <xBook>1</xBook> </relatedpage> <relatedpage> <xRelatedPage>102</xRelatedPage> <sPageName>Installing on SQL Server</sPageName> <sChapterName>Installation</sChapterName> <sBookName>Admin Manual</sBookName> <xBook>1</xBook> </relatedpage> </relatedpages> </page> |
kb.search |
Return a list of pages that match the search string. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.search |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.search&q=installation" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <pages> <page> <link>?pg=kb.page&id=16</link> <desc>Page about installation</desc> <sBookName>Product Manual</sBookName> <sPageName>Installing the product</sPageName> <xPage>16</xPage> </page> <page> <link>?pg=kb.page&id=8</link> <desc>How to install on Linux</desc> <sBookName>Product Manual</sBookName> <sPageName>Installing on Linux</sPageName> <xPage>8</xPage> </page> </pages> |
kb.voteHelpful |
Adds a vote for this page as "helpful" | |
Available as of HelpSpot version: 2.4.2 | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.voteHelpful |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.voteHelpful&xPage=125" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <page> <iHelpful /> </page> |
kb.voteNotHelpful |
Adds a vote for this page as "not helpful" | |
Available as of HelpSpot version: 2.4.2 | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=kb.voteNotHelpful |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example:curl "http://.../api/index.php?method=kb.voteNotHelpful&xPage=125" |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <page> <iNotHelpful /> </page> |
util.getFieldLabels |
Returns a list of field labels for use in your interfaces. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=util.getFieldLabels |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example:curl http://.../api/index.php?method=util.getFieldLabels |
Sample Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <labels> <iLastReplyBy>Replied To</iLastReplyBy> <fOpenedVia>Contacted Via</fOpenedVia> <mailbox>Mailbox</mailbox> <fOpen>Open</fOpen> <xRequest>ID</xRequest> <sUserId>Customer ID</sUserId> <fullname>Customer</fullname> <sLastName>Last Name</sLastName> <sEmail>Email</sEmail> <sPhone>Phone</sPhone> <xPersonOpenedBy>Opened By</xPersonOpenedBy> <xPersonAssignedTo>Assigned To</xPersonAssignedTo> <xStatus>Status</xStatus> <sCategory>Category</sCategory> <sTitle>Email Subject</sTitle> <reqsummary>Initial Request</reqsummary> <lastpublicnote>Latest Public Note</lastpublicnote> <lastpublicnoteby>Latest Public Note By</lastpublicnoteby> <dtGMTOpened>Opened</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed>Closed</dtGMTClosed> <dtGMTTrashed>Trashed On</dtGMTTrashed> <lastupdate>Last Update</lastupdate> <lastpubupdate>Last Public Update</lastpubupdate> <lastcustupdate>Last Customer Update</lastcustupdate> <ctPublicUpdates>#</ctPublicUpdates> <age>Age</age> <timetrack>Time</timetrack> </labels> |
4.5. Private Methods
Be sure you've read the API Basics before working with the private API.
You can find what each field/parameter is on the API Field Definitions page.
- private.customer.setPasswordByEmail
- private.request.create
- private.request.update
- private.request.get
- private.request.multiGet
- private.request.search
- private.request.addTimeEvent
- private.request.deleteTimeEvent
- private.request.getTimeEvents
- private.request.getCategories
- private.request.getMailboxes
- private.request.getStatusTypes
- private.request.getCustomFields
- private.request.merge
- private.request.getChanged
- private.request.subscriptions
- private.request.subscribe
- private.request.unsubscribe
- private.request.markTrash
- private.request.markSpam
- private.document.get
- private.response.listAll
- private.response.usersMostCommon
- private.response.get
- private.filter.get
- private.filter.getColumnNames
- private.filter.getStream
- private.timetracker.search
- private.user.getFilters
- private.user.preferences
- private.util.getActiveStaff
- private.util.getAuditLog
- private.addressbook.createContact
- private.addressbook.deleteContact
- private.addressbook.getContacts
private.customer.setPasswordByEmail |
Set the portal password for an email account. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.customer.setPasswordByEmail |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.customer.setPasswordByEmail&sEmail=tsmith@companyco.com&sPassword=8!TrucK" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <sPassword>8!TrucK</sPassword> </results> |
private.request.create |
Create a new request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.create |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | In addition to tNote and xCategory you must also have at least one of the following set: sFirstName,sLastName,sUserId,sEmail,sPhone |
Other notes: | You can use this method to import requests from other systems by making sure you set email_from to 0 (so emails are not sent to customers) and setting dtGMTOpened to the time of the original request. |
Simple Example: curl -F"tNote=This is the request." -F"sUserId=12345" -F"xCategory=1" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.create |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <request> <xRequest>12746</xRequest> </request> |
private.request.update |
Update an existing request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.update |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12746" -F"tNote=Update the request." -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.update |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <request> <xRequest>12746</xRequest> </request> |
private.request.get |
Return all information on a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | As a convenience fRawValues is set to 0 (false) by default so that numeric values you would normally have to transform (staff ID's, dates, categories) are shown by their text representation. If you need the actual numeric values for these items set fRawValues to 1. |
Merge notes | If requesting a request which has been merged, the merged request will be returned. The new request ID is returned and will be different from the one you called for which you can use to check if knowing that the request was merged is important in your usage. |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.get&xRequest=12745" |
Sample Response: <request> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Web Service</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>0</xOpenedViaId> <xPersonOpenedBy /> <xPersonAssignedTo>Ian Landsman</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>Active</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>Bugs</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>September 24, 2007</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed /> <sRequestPassword>itetxb</sRequestPassword> <sTitle /> <sUserId>12345</sUserId> <sFirstName /> <sLastName /> <sEmail /> <sPhone /> <iLastReplyBy>Ian Landsman</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname> </fullname> <reportingTags> <tag> <xReportingTag>29</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>Payment Inquires</sReportingTag> </tag> </reportingTags> <request_history> <item> <xRequestHistory>1378</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson>Ian Landsman</xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Tue, September 25, 2007, 11:00 AM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote><p>An HTML note example</p></tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>1</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files> <file> <sFileMimeType>application/pdf</sFileMimeType> <sFilename>Invoice.pdf</sFilename> <xDocumentId>60</xDocumentId> <public_url>http://www.domain.com/index.php?pg=file&from=3&id=60&reqid=12745&reqhisid=1378</public_url> <private_url>http://www.domain.com/admin.php?pg=file&from=0&id=60&showfullsize=1&download=1</private_url> </file> </files> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1377</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson>Ian Landsman</xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Tue, September 25, 2007, 11:00 AM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>0</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog>Category changed from "" to "Bugs"</tLog> <tNote /> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1376</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson> </xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Mon, September 24, 2007, 08:03 PM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote>Plain text update to the request.</tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files /> </item> <item> <xRequestHistory>1375</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>12745</xRequest> <xPerson> </xPerson> <dtGMTChange>Mon, September 24, 2007, 07:44 PM</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>1</fInitial> <tLog /> <tNote>This is the request.</tNote> <tEmailHeaders /> <fNoteIsHTML>0</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> <files /> </item> </request_history> </request> |
private.request.multiGet |
Return request information for more than one request at a time. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.multiGet |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.multiGet&xRequest[]=12745&xRequest[]=847373&xRequest[]=56733" |
Response: Returns an array of response details the same as private.request.get. |
private.request.search |
Search for requests. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.search |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | As a convenience fRawValues is set to 0 (false) by default so that numeric values you would normally have to transform (staff ID's, dates, categories) are shown by their text representation. If you need the actual numeric values for these items set fRawValues to 1. |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.search&sSearch=printer" |
Sample Response: <requests> <request> <xRequest>12650</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Phone</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>0</xOpenedViaId> <xPersonOpenedBy>Ian Landsman</xPersonOpenedBy> <xPersonAssignedTo>Ian Landsman</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>Active</xStatus> <fUrgent>1</fUrgent> <xCategory>Bugs</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>January 16, 2006</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed /> <sRequestPassword>oxvgys</sRequestPassword> <sTitle>RE: Update on Your Request</sTitle> <sUserId /> <sFirstName /> <sLastName>landsman</sLastName> <sEmail /> <sPhone /> <iLastReplyBy>0</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname> landsman</fullname> <tNote><span class="initsubject">Some text here</span> - Help with printer issue please.</tNote> </request> <request> <xRequest>12733</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Web Service</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>0</xOpenedViaId> <xPersonOpenedBy /> <xPersonAssignedTo>Ian Landsman</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>Active</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>Bugs</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>September 13, 2007</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed /> <sRequestPassword>bwpkqv</sRequestPassword> <sTitle /> <sUserId>567</sUserId> <sFirstName /> <sLastName /> <sEmail /> <sPhone /> <iLastReplyBy>0</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname> </fullname> <tNote><span class="initsubject">Text Here</span> - Need printer assistance.</tNote> </request> </requests> |
private.request.addTimeEvent |
Add a time tracker time event to a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.addTimeEvent |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12650" -F"xPerson=2" -F"iMonth=10" -F"iDay=21" -F"iYear=2007" -F"tDescription=fixed printer" -F"tTime=2:30" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.addTimeEvent |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <xTimeId>26</xTimeId> </results> |
private.request.deleteTimeEvent |
Delete a time tracker time event. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.deleteTimeEvent |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xTimeId=754" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.deleteTimeEvent |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <deleted>1</deleted> </results> |
private.request.getTimeEvents |
Return all time tracker time events from a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getTimeEvents |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: | As a convenience fRawValues is set to 0 (false) by default so that numeric values you would normally have to transform (staff ID's, dates, categories) are shown by their text representation. If you need the actual numeric values for these items set fRawValues to 1. |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getTimeEvents&xRequest=12650" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <time_events> <event> <xTimeId>27</xTimeId> <xRequest>12650</xRequest> <xPerson>Tina Andrews</xPerson> <iSeconds>9000</iSeconds> <dtGMTDate>September 25, 2007</dtGMTDate> <dtGMTDateAdded>Wed, September 26, 2007, 01:18 PM</dtGMTDateAdded> <tDescription>Delivered printer</tDescription> </event> <event> <xTimeId>28</xTimeId> <xRequest>12650</xRequest> <xPerson>Tina Andrews</xPerson> <iSeconds>9000</iSeconds> <dtGMTDate>September 26, 2007</dtGMTDate> <dtGMTDateAdded>Wed, September 26, 2007, 03:18 PM</dtGMTDateAdded> <tDescription>Installed printer</tDescription> </event> </time_events> |
private.request.getCategories |
Returns a list of all categories along with each categories related information such as reporting tags. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getCategories |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Other notes: | If using this information for a user interface, it's recommended you only show categories which are active (where fDeleted = 0). |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getCategories |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <categories> <category> <xCategory>1</xCategory> <sCategory>Pre Sales Question</sCategory> <sCategoryGroup></sCategoryGroup> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> <fAllowPublicSubmit>1</fAllowPublicSubmit> <xPersonDefault>1</xPersonDefault> <fAutoAssignTo>0</fAutoAssignTo> <sPersonList> <person> <xPerson>3</xPerson> <fullname>Steve Benson</fullname> <assigned_requests>6</assigned_requests> </person> <person> <xPerson>4</xPerson> <fullname>Tiffany Prince</fullname> <assigned_requests>7</assigned_requests> </person> <person> <xPerson>5</xPerson> <fullname>Henry Yount</fullname> <assigned_requests>8</assigned_requests> </person> </sPersonList> <sCustomFieldList> <xCustomField>2</xCustomField> <xCustomField>13</xCustomField> </sCustomFieldList> <reportingTags> <tag> <xReportingTag>5</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>Pricing</sReportingTag> </tag> <tag> <xReportingTag>9</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>Support Options</sReportingTag> </tag> <tag> <xReportingTag>7</xReportingTag> <sReportingTag>System Requirements</sReportingTag> </tag> </reportingTags> </category> </categories> |
private.request.getMailboxes |
Returns a list of mailboxes. | ||
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getMailboxes | |
HTTP Action: | GET | |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getMailboxes |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <mailbox> <xMailbox>3</xMailbox> <sReplyName>Test Account</sReplyName> <sReplyEmail>systest@userscape.com</sReplyEmail> </mailbox> </results> |
private.request.getStatusTypes |
Returns a list of status types. | ||
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getStatusTypes | |
HTTP Action: | GET | |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getStatusTypes |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <status> <sStatus>Active</sStatus> <xStatus>1</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>Problem Solved</sStatus> <xStatus>3</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>Not Fixable</sStatus> <xStatus>4</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>Customer Unreachable</sStatus> <xStatus>5</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>Customer Found Solution</sStatus> <xStatus>6</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>Software Bug</sStatus> <xStatus>7</xStatus> </status> <status> <sStatus>SPAM</sStatus> <xStatus>2</xStatus> </status> </results> |
private.request.getCustomFields |
Returns a list of custom fields. | ||
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getCustomFields | |
HTTP Action: | GET | |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getCustomFields |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <customfields> <field> <xCustomField>10</xCustomField> <fieldName>Ajax Lookup</fieldName> <isRequired>1</isRequired> <isPublic>0</isPublic> <fieldType>ajax</fieldType> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <sTxtSize /> <lrgTextRows /> <listItems /> <iDecimalPlaces>0</iDecimalPlaces> <sRegex /> <sAjaxUrl>http://www.domain.com/ajax_field_lookup.php</sAjaxUrl> <isAlwaysVisible>0</isAlwaysVisible> </field> <field> <xCustomField>7</xCustomField> <fieldName>VIP Customer</fieldName> <isRequired>0</isRequired> <isPublic>1</isPublic> <fieldType>checkbox</fieldType> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <sTxtSize /> <lrgTextRows /> <listItems /> <iDecimalPlaces>0</iDecimalPlaces> <sRegex /> <sAjaxUrl /> <isAlwaysVisible>0</isAlwaysVisible> </field> <field> <xCustomField>2</xCustomField> <fieldName>Database Type</fieldName> <isRequired>0</isRequired> <isPublic>1</isPublic> <fieldType>select</fieldType> <iOrder>0</iOrder> <sTxtSize /> <lrgTextRows /> <listItems> <item>MySQL</item> <item>MS SQL Server</item> <item>PostgreSQL</item> </listItems> <iDecimalPlaces>0</iDecimalPlaces> <sRegex /> <sAjaxUrl /> <isAlwaysVisible>0</isAlwaysVisible> </field> </customfields> |
private.request.merge |
Merge two requests. | ||
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.merge | |
HTTP Action: | POST | |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequestFrom=12678" -F"xRequestTo=12690" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.merge |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <xRequest>12426</xRequest> </results> |
private.request.getChanged |
Return all requests which have changed since the date given. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.getChanged |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.getChanged&dtGMTChange=1309444160" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <requests> <xRequest>46550</xRequest> <xRequest>46550</xRequest> <xRequest>46554</xRequest> <xRequest>46554</xRequest> <xRequest>46554</xRequest> <xRequest>46554</xRequest> </requests> |
private.request.subscriptions |
Find a users subscriptions. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.subscriptions |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.subscriptions&xPerson=1" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <subscriptions> <request> <xRequest>46632</xRequest> <xSubscriptions>30</xSubscriptions> </request> <request> <xRequest>46633</xRequest> <xSubscriptions>29</xSubscriptions> </request> </subscriptions> |
private.request.subscribe |
Subscribe a user to a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.subscribe |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12345" -F"xPerson=4" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.subscribe" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <subscribed>4</subscribed> </results> |
private.request.unsubscribe |
Unsubscribe a user from a request. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.unsubscribe |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12345" -F"xPerson=4" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.unsubscribe" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <results> <unsubscribed>4</unsubscribed> </results> |
private.request.markTrash |
Mark a request as trash. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.markTrash |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12345" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.markTrash" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <trashed>12400</trashed> </result> |
private.request.markSpam |
Mark a request as spam. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.markSpam |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -F"xRequest=12345" -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.request.markSpam" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <spammed>12410</spammed> </result> |
private.document.get |
Get a document based on its id. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.document.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.document.get&xDocumentId=1" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <document> <xDocumentId>1</xDocumentId> <sFilename>unknown_filename.eml</sFilename> <sFileMimeType>message/rfc822</sFileMimeType> <sCID /> <sBody>UmV0dXJuLVBhdGg6IDx0cmFp==</sBody> </document>; |
private.response.listAll |
Return all your responses. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.response.listAll |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.response.listAll" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <responses> <response> <xResponse>1</xResponse> <sResponseTitle>Password Reset</sResponseTitle> <sFolder>My Responses</sFolder> <tResponse>Hello, Please go to the website to reset your password. Support Team</tResponse> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <fType>2</fType> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> <fullname>Ian Landsman</fullname> <pathname>My Responses / Password Reset</pathname> </response> </responses> |
private.response.usersMostCommon |
Return the 10 most common responeses for the authenticated user. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.request.usersMostCommon |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.response.usersMostCommon" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <responses> <response> <xResponse>1</xResponse> <sResponseTitle>Password Reset</sResponseTitle> <stat_count>420</stat_count> </response> </responses> |
private.response.get |
Get details on a response by ID. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.response.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.response.get&xResponse=1" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <xResponse>1</xResponse> <sResponseTitle>Password Reset</sResponseTitle> <sFolder>My Responses</sFolder> <tResponse>Hello, Please go to the website to reset your password. Support Team</tResponse> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <fType>2</fType> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> </response> |
private.filter.get |
Return the results of a users filter. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.filter.get |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Other notes: |
As a convenience fRawValues is set to 0 (false) by default so that numeric values you would normally have to transform (staff ID's, dates, categories) are shown by their text representation. If you need the actual numeric values for these items set fRawValues to 1. tNote is not the full initial request, just the first few sentances. |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.filter.get&xFilter=12" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <filter> <request> <xRequest>12624</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Email</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId>Customer.Service</xOpenedViaId> <xPersonOpenedBy /> <xPersonAssignedTo>Henry Yount</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>1</fOpen> <xStatus>Active</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>Feature Request</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>July 12, 2007</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed /> <sRequestPassword>pgupzu</sRequestPassword> <sTitle>Upload documents over 1gig</sTitle> <sUserId>8389332</sUserId> <sFirstName>Harry</sFirstName> <sLastName>Waterman</sLastName> <sEmail>hw@example.com</sEmail> <sPhone>845.555.1234</sPhone> <iLastReplyBy>0</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname>Harry Waterman</fullname> <tNote>I would like to be able to upload documents over 1 gigabyte.</tNote> </request> <request> <xRequest>12451</xRequest> <fOpenedVia>Phone</fOpenedVia> <xOpenedViaId /> <xPersonOpenedBy>Tiffany Prince</xPersonOpenedBy> <xPersonAssignedTo>Henry Yount</xPersonAssignedTo> <fOpen>0</fOpen> <xStatus>Problem Solved</xStatus> <fUrgent>0</fUrgent> <xCategory>Feature Request</xCategory> <dtGMTOpened>September 19, 2007</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed>September 30, 2007</dtGMTClosed> <sRequestPassword>vyzfua</sRequestPassword> <sTitle>Improved searching</sTitle> <sUserId /> <sFirstName>Sarah</sFirstName> <sLastName>Ryan</sLastName> <sEmail /> <sPhone /> <iLastReplyBy>0</iLastReplyBy> <fTrash>0</fTrash> <dtGMTTrashed /> <fullname>Sarah Ryan</fullname> <tNote>I would like to see the searching imrpoved in the upcoming release.</tNote> </request> </filter> |
private.filter.getColumnNames |
Return column names for the fields returned in filters. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.filter.getColumnNames |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.filter.getColumnNames |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <labels> <iLastReplyBy>Replied To</iLastReplyBy> <fOpenedVia>Contacted Via</fOpenedVia> <mailbox>Mailbox</mailbox> <fOpen>Open</fOpen> <xRequest>ID</xRequest> <sUserId>Customer ID</sUserId> <fullname>Customer</fullname> <sLastName>Last Name</sLastName> <sEmail>Email</sEmail> <sPhone>Phone</sPhone> <xPersonOpenedBy>Opened By</xPersonOpenedBy> <xPersonAssignedTo>Assigned To</xPersonAssignedTo> <xStatus>Status</xStatus> <sCategory>Category</sCategory> <sTitle>Email Subject</sTitle> <reqsummary>Initial Request</reqsummary> <lastpublicnote>Latest Public Note</lastpublicnote> <lastpublicnoteby>Latest Public Note By</lastpublicnoteby> <dtGMTOpened>Opened</dtGMTOpened> <dtGMTClosed>Closed</dtGMTClosed> <dtGMTTrashed>Trashed On</dtGMTTrashed> <lastupdate>Last Update</lastupdate> <lastpubupdate>Last Public Update</lastpubupdate> <lastcustupdate>Last Customer Update</lastcustupdate> <ctPublicUpdates>#</ctPublicUpdates> <age>Age</age> <timetrack>Time</timetrack> </labels> |
private.filter.getStream |
Return the note stream for a filter | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.filter.getStream |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.filter.getStream&xFilter=1" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <stream> <history_note> <xRequestHistory>184347</xRequestHistory> <xRequest>46279</xRequest> <xPerson>2</xPerson> <dtGMTChange>1302652677</dtGMTChange> <fPublic>1</fPublic> <fInitial>0</fInitial> <tNote>A note body....</tNote> <fNoteIsHTML>1</fNoteIsHTML> <fMergedFromRequest>0</fMergedFromRequest> </history_note> </stream> |
private.timetracker.search |
Return time events based on search criteria. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.timetracker.search |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword "http://.../api/index.php?method=private.timetracker.search&sUserId=76548" |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <time_events> <event> <xTimeId>4502</xTimeId> <xRequest>12481</xRequest> <xPerson>Ian Landsman</xPerson> <iSeconds>5400</iSeconds> <dtGMTDate>June 9, 2008</dtGMTDate> <dtGMTDateAdded>June 9 2008, 11:48 AM</dtGMTDateAdded> <tDescription>Fixed 3rd floor network printer</tDescription> <sUserId>76548</sUserId> <sFirstName>Ian</sFirstName> <sLastName>Landsman</sLastName> <sEmail>ian@userscape.com</sEmail> </event> </time_events> |
private.user.getFilters |
Return the authenticated users filters. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.user.getFilters |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.user.getFilters |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <filters> <filter> <xFilter>inbox</xFilter> <sFilterName>Inbox</sFilterName> <displayColumns> <takeit /> <fOpenedVia>Contacted Via</fOpenedVia> <fullname>Customer</fullname> <reqsummary>Initial Request</reqsummary> <age>Age</age> </displayColumns> <fGlobal>0</fGlobal> <sFilterFolder /> <count>22</count> <unread /> </filter> <filter> <xFilter>myq</xFilter> <sFilterName>My Queue</sFilterName> <displayColumns> <isunread /> <view /> <fOpenedVia>Contacted Via</fOpenedVia> <fullname>Customer</fullname> <reqsummary>Initial Request</reqsummary> <age>Age</age> </displayColumns> <fGlobal>0</fGlobal> <sFilterFolder /> <count>139</count> <unread>18</unread> </filter> <filter> <xFilter>9</xFilter> <sFilterName>Open over 24hr</sFilterName> <displayColumns> <fOpenedVia>Contacted Via</fOpenedVia> <fOpen>Open</fOpen> <fullname>Customer</fullname> <reqsummary>Initial Request</reqsummary> <dtGMTOpened>Opened</dtGMTOpened> </displayColumns> <fGlobal>0</fGlobal> <sFilterFolder>My Filters</sFilterFolder> <count>14</count> <unread /> </filter> </filters> |
private.user.preferences |
Return the authenticated users preferences. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.user.preferences |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.user.preferences |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <preferences> <xPerson>7</xPerson> <sFname>Henry</sFname> <sLname>Yount</sLname> <sUsername /> <sEmail>ian@userscape.com</sEmail> <sEmail2 /> <sSMS /> <xSMSService>1</xSMSService> <sPhone>x345</sPhone> <tSignature> Henry Yount Help Desk Lead </tSignature> <tMobileSignature> -- MOBILE -- Henry Yount Help Desk Lead </tMobileSignature> <fNotifyEmail>1</fNotifyEmail> <fNotifyEmail2>0</fNotifyEmail2> <fNotifySMS>0</fNotifySMS> <fNotifySMSUrgent>0</fNotifySMSUrgent> <xPersonPhotoId>39</xPersonPhotoId> <fUserType>1</fUserType> <xPersonOutOfOffice>0</xPersonOutOfOffice> <fNotifyNewRequest>1</fNotifyNewRequest> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> <sWorkspaceDefault>myq</sWorkspaceDefault> <fDefaultToPublic>0</fDefaultToPublic> <fDefaultTTOpen>0</fDefaultTTOpen> <fHideWysiwyg>0</fHideWysiwyg> <fHideImages>0</fHideImages> <iRequestHistoryLimit>10</iRequestHistoryLimit> <fReturnToReq>0</fReturnToReq> <sHTMLEditor>wysiwyg</sHTMLEditor> <tSignature_HTML> <b>Henry Yount</b><br /> Help Desk Lead </tSignature_HTML> </preferences> |
private.util.getActiveStaff |
Return all currently active staff in the system and their information. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.util.getActiveStaff |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.util.getActiveStaff |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <staff> <person> <xPerson>7</xPerson> <sFname>Henry</sFname> <sLname>Yount</sLname> <sUsername /> <sEmail>henry@domain.com</sEmail> <sEmail2 /> <sSMS /> <xSMSService>1</xSMSService> <sPhone>x345</sPhone> <tSignature> Henry Yount Help Desk Lead </tSignature> <tMobileSignature> -- MOBILE -- Henry Yount Help Desk Lead </tMobileSignature> <fNotifyEmail>1</fNotifyEmail> <fNotifyEmail2>0</fNotifyEmail2> <fNotifySMS>0</fNotifySMS> <fNotifySMSUrgent>0</fNotifySMSUrgent> <xPersonPhotoId>39</xPersonPhotoId> <fUserType>1</fUserType> <xPersonOutOfOffice>0</xPersonOutOfOffice> <fNotifyNewRequest>1</fNotifyNewRequest> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> <sWorkspaceDefault>myq</sWorkspaceDefault> <fDefaultToPublic>0</fDefaultToPublic> <fDefaultTTOpen>0</fDefaultTTOpen> <fHideWysiwyg>0</fHideWysiwyg> <fHideImages>0</fHideImages> <iRequestHistoryLimit>10</iRequestHistoryLimit> <fReturnToReq>0</fReturnToReq> <sHTMLEditor>wysiwyg</sHTMLEditor> <tSignature_HTML> <b>Henry Yount</b><br /> Help Desk Lead </tSignature_HTML> <fullname>Henry Yount</fullname> </person> <person> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <sFname>Tiffany</sFname> <sLname>Prince</sLname> <sUsername /> <sEmail>tiffany@domain.com</sEmail> <sEmail2 /> <sSMS /> <xSMSService>1</xSMSService> <sPhone>x387</sPhone> <tSignature /> <tMobileSignature /> <fNotifyEmail>1</fNotifyEmail> <fNotifyEmail2>0</fNotifyEmail2> <fNotifySMS>0</fNotifySMS> <fNotifySMSUrgent>0</fNotifySMSUrgent> <xPersonPhotoId>39</xPersonPhotoId> <fUserType>1</fUserType> <xPersonOutOfOffice>0</xPersonOutOfOffice> <fNotifyNewRequest>1</fNotifyNewRequest> <fDeleted>0</fDeleted> <sWorkspaceDefault>myq</sWorkspaceDefault> <fDefaultToPublic>0</fDefaultToPublic> <fDefaultTTOpen>0</fDefaultTTOpen> <fHideWysiwyg>0</fHideWysiwyg> <fHideImages>0</fHideImages> <iRequestHistoryLimit>10</iRequestHistoryLimit> <fReturnToReq>0</fReturnToReq> <sHTMLEditor>wysiwyg</sHTMLEditor> <tSignature_HTML /> <fullname>Tiffany Prince</fullname> </person> </staff> |
private.util.getAuditLog |
Return admin audit logs | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.util.getAuditLog |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -u tim@ex.com:mypassword http://.../api/index.php?method=private.util.getAuditLog?start=0&length=10 |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <results> <auditLog> <xAuditLog>130</xAuditLog> <sAction>edit</sAction> <sObject>HS_Settings</sObject> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <dtDateAdded>1715281119</dtDateAdded> <iValue/> <sValue>cHD_PORTAL_LOGIN_AUTHTYPE = ldap_ad</sValue> <dValue/> <sIPAddress></sIPAddress> <xRequest/> <sData>{"cHD_DAYS_TO_LEAVE_TRASH":"30","cHD_PORTAL_LOGIN_AUTHTYPE":"ldap_ad"}</sData> </auditLog> <auditLog> <xAuditLog>131</xAuditLog> <sAction>login</sAction> <sObject>HS_Person</sObject> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <dtDateAdded>1715284394</dtDateAdded> <iValue/> <sValue>someone@example.com</sValue> <dValue/> <sIPAddress></sIPAddress> <xRequest/> <sData/> </auditLog> <auditLog> <xAuditLog>132</xAuditLog> <sAction>export</sAction> <sObject>Customer</sObject> <xPerson>1</xPerson> <dtDateAdded>1715284440</dtDateAdded> <iValue>0</iValue> <sValue/> <dValue/> <sIPAddress></sIPAddress> <xRequest/> <sData>"someone@example.com"</sData> </auditLog> </results> |
private.addressbook.createContact |
Creates a contact in the internal addressbook. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.addressbook.createContact |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -X POST \ |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
private.addressbook.deletedContact |
Deletes a contact in the internal addressbook. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.addressbook.deleteContact |
HTTP Action: | POST |
Parameters: |
Simple Example: curl -X POST \ |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
private.addressbook.getContacts |
Retreives all contacts in the internal addressbook. | |
URL: | /api/index.php?method=private.addressbook.getContacts |
HTTP Action: | GET |
Parameters: | none |
Simple Example: curl -X POST \ |
Sample Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
4.6. API Implementations in PHP, Cocoa, Ruby, Python, Java
Created By: | UserScape, Inc |
Features: | Support for all API calls, both public and private. Installable via the PHP Composer package manager. PHP 5.5+ compatible. |
Documentation: | Yes, on the Readme page linked below. |
Supported by UserScape: | Yes |
Download: | https://github.com/helpspot/helpspot-php
Cocoa / Objective-C |
Created By: | http://www.figure53.com/ |
Supported by UserScape: | No |
Download: | https://github.com/Figure53/Helpifier (a complete desktop client) |
Created By: | http://www.audiofile-engineering.com/ |
Supported by UserScape: | No |
Download: | http://www.helpspot.com/downloads/api/cocoa.zip |
Ruby / Merb |
Created By: | jbrw |
Supported by UserScape: | No |
Download: | http://github.com/jbrw/help_spot/tree/master |
Python |
Created By: | John Speno, Purplestork |
Supported by UserScape: | No |
Download: | http://github.com/JohnSpeno/python-helpspot |
Java |
Created By: | Bakul Brahmbhatt, iland |
Supported by UserScape: | No |
Download: | https://github.com/stinkbird/helpspot_java_sdk |
4.7. Sample Implementation: NetVibes Widget
This simple widget allows you to see your My Queue from the NetVibes homepage. It implements the private API and uses JSON to communicate with NetVibes. Download the file at the bottom of the page.
How to install the widget
- Make sure the private API is enabled in Admin->Settings
- Download the file and upload it to your web server in a public directory
- Go to www.netvibes.com
- In the left navigation of NetVibes select the Widgets tab
- Select "external widgets"
- Select "UWA Module"
- In the box that opens click "edit" enter the URL to the file you uploaded to your server, click OK.
- Click the "add to my page" link
- Once the widget is added, click the "edit" box and enter your username, password, and URL to your HelpSpot installation.
5. Email Parser API
5.1. Email Parser: Using Email as a Service
HelpSpots email parser allows you to use the built in email integration as a basic web service. If you need to create requests in remote systems you can add a few basic tags to an email you generate for accurate importing into HelpSpot. Every email that creates a new request is automatically sent through the email parser so your remote system can email requests with tags to the same accounts you already use for support. Request updates cannot use email parser tags to avoid unintended changes to existing requests.
The following tags are available for use within email bodies. Replace XXXXXX with your data. All tags are automatically stripped after being parsed so only the email body will remain as the request.
Tag | Description |
##hs_customer_id:XXXXXX## | The customers ID. |
##hs_customer_firstname:XXXXXX## | The customers first name. |
##hs_customer_lastname:XXXXXX## | The customers last name. |
##hs_customer_phone:XXXXXX## | The customers phone number. |
##hs_customer_email:XXXXXX## | The customers email address. |
Here's an example of an email generated with customer tags. This type of email could be generated from a remote service, desktop application, or intranet.
Hello, I'm having trouble logging into the time reporting system. Yesterday I was able to enter the system via the link on the intranet, but today when I click that link all I see is the login screen. Tim //Note: You would programatically append the tags below// ##hs_customer_id:589GK42## ##hs_customer_firstname:Timothy## ##hs_customer_lastname:Ryan## ##hs_customer_phone:(845) 765-4321## ##hs_customer_email:t.ryan@mycompany.com##
There are also advanced tags available to submit category and custom field information.
5.2. Email Parser: Advanced Tags
Beyond the basic customer parser tags, HelpSpot also supports passing in categories and custom field data via the email parser. In order to use these more advanced tags you'll need to know the category ID's and custom field ID's in your installation. You can find these in each ID's respective area of the admin.
Tag | Description |
##forward:true## | Treat the email as a forward. HelpSpot will attempt to determine the original senders email address (not the person forwarding the email) and use that as the HelpSpot customer information instead of the forwarding users information as would normally be the case. (Note: this tag may also be used in the email subject line) |
Request ID
Tag | Description |
##hs_request_id:XXXX## | Tell HelpSpot what request this message should be appended to. This will only work if there is no request ID found in the subject line of the email. This is useful for automated systems which may strip out request ID's, such as automated responses from eBay customer support. Note, this tag will work on existing requests while others will not. |
Category Tag:
Category ID's are displayed in the left most column on the category management page:
Tag | Description |
##hs_category:XX## | The category ID should be passed in this tag. It must be numeric and it must be a valid active category. |
Assignment Tag:
Staff ID's are displayed in the left most column on the staff management page:
Tag | Description |
##hs_assigned_to:XX## | The staff member ID should be passed in this tag. It must be numeric and it must be a valid active staff member. |
Custom Field Tags:
Custom field ID's are displayed in the left most column on the custom field page:
Admin->Tools->Custom Request Fields
Tag | Description |
##hs_customX:XXXXXX## | In the left part of the tag you must place the custom field ID for the information you're passing. In the right part of the tag after the colon pass the data. Data must be appropriate for the field type as specified below. |
Table of appropriate values for each type of custom field. Note that improperly passed data or data of the wrong type will default the custom field to empty.
Custom Field Type | Value Accepted |
Predefined List | Any one of the values in the list. The value must be exactly as it appears on the drop down including spacing. |
Text Field | Up to 255 characters of data. Should not include line breaks. |
Large Text Field | Large blocks of text data. This may include line breaks. |
Checkbox | The number 1 if the checkbox should be checked, a 0 if not checked. |
Numeric Field | An integer value. |
Complete Example:
Here's an example of an email generated with customer tags as well as category and custom field tags. This type of email could be generated from a remote service, desktop application, or intranet.
Hello, I'm having trouble logging into the time reporting system. Yesterday I was able to enter the system via the link on the intranet, but today when I click that link all I see is the login screen. Tim //Note: You would programatically append the tags below// ##hs_category:6## ##hs_assigned_to:4## ##hs_custom1:Time Reporting## ##hs_custom2:Accounting Department## ##hs_custom3:1## ##hs_customer_id:589GK42## ##hs_customer_firstname:Timothy## ##hs_customer_lastname:Ryan## ##hs_customer_phone:(845) 765-4321## ##hs_customer_email:t.ryan@mycompany.com##
6. Webhooks
6.1. Webhooks Overview
Webhooks help connect a HelpSpot installation to other systems. While these connections were always possible using the HelpSpot API, webhooks make it easier to do and allow for the connections to occur in real-time. Webhooks can be called when a set of conditions are met in a trigger, automation rule or a mail rule. Webhooks appear as an action in the interface for setting up each of these types of automations.
Webhook actions only require one parameter, the url of the receiving web hook script. HelpSpot sends all the information it has about the request to the URL you specify, including the customer, the note body, custom fields, and more. Webhook execution is logged in the request history, so tracking calls to a webhook is easy.
You can find an example implementation of using web hooks to send notifications to Slack on GitHub.
7. Zapier Integration
7.1. Getting Started With The HelpSpot - Zapier Integration
Helpspot's integration with Zapier allows you to connect your HelpSpot instance with hundreds of other applications. Actions can be triggered from HelpSpot and requests can be created and updated based on other Zapier apps. All of this can be done without writing a single line of code. There are a few requirements for getting started with implementing a Helpspot - Zapier integration.
- A HelpSpot user with administrator privileges
- A Zapier account
- A HelpSpot installation that has been updated to at least version 4 of HelpSpot
- Your HelpSpot instance must have the private API enabled
- Your HelpSpot instance must have a publicly accessible URL
Setting Up Your HelpSpot Zapier App
The first time you create a HelpSpot integration with Zapier you will need to take a few steps to get things up and running. You can add the HelpSpot app here (https://zapier.com/apps/helpspot/integrations) After the initial configuration is complete you can continue to create more Zaps based on this initial setup.
- Login to Zapier
- Choose to create a new zap
- Search for "HelpSpot" and select the application
- Select a trigger ("New Request", for example)
- Choose Connect a New Account
- Enter your HelpSpot username and password in the prompts provided
- In the URL field enter the base HelpSpot Url. For example, if your helpspot admin url is https://helpspot.mycompany.com/helpspot/admin.php you will simply want to enter https://helpspot.mycompany.com/helpspot/.
After saving this step, HelpSpot is now connected to Zapier. You can add HelpSpot actions and triggers to any of your Zaps. In addition, you can choose to continue to build out the zap that you started during this process
7.2. Using HelpSpot Webhooks With Zapier
The Zapier webhook catcher can be used to catch webhooks triggered from HelpSpot. This tutorial video walks through the basic setup of this feature.
7.3. Using Zapier to Create HelpSpot Tickets Directly from Slack
If you're a HelpSpot user who wants to streamline the ticket creation process, Zapier can help you create HelpSpot tickets directly from Slack. Here's how:
Get an API key from HelpSpot
To start, you need to get an API key from HelpSpot. To do this, go to your user profile, scroll down to api authentication tokens, enter a name for your API token, then click ‘Issue New Token’. Make sure to copy your API token to a safe place!
Create a Slack App
Next, go to https://api.slack.com/apps, click Create an App, enter a name for your app, and select the correct Slack account where you want to use the new Slack bot.
Add Slash Commands to Your App
Slack will then show some options to add features to your app.
You can add bot users, interactive messages, and more—but each of those requires coding. Instead, select the Slash Commands button.
Click Create New Command. Add a command with a slash in front of it - in this case, you might want to call it /helpspot or /ticket or /help.
You’ll also need to fill in the Request URL, which we’re going to grab from Zapier.
Create a Zap in Zapier
Head over to Zapier and make a new Zap using Zapier’s Webhooks app, and for Event choose ‘Catch Hook’.
Click Continue, and Zapier will ask you if you want to Pick off a Child Key - just ignore this field and select ‘Continue’.
Zapier will give you a webhook URL, which you’re going want to copy.
Add the Webhook URL to Your Slack App
Head back over to the Slack App setup and paste your webhook URL.
Make sure you save your settings, then in Slack do a test of your new Slash command - if you chose /ticket, you’d write something like /ticket I need help with my printer. Nothing will happen once you do that, but that’s okay - we’ll deal with that later.
Add Actions to Your Zap
Head back to Zapier and in order to create a ticket, add two actions to this Zap in Zapier.
First, add the Slack Action and under Event select ‘Find User by Username’. This will allow us to query the name & email address of the user who’s submitting the ticket in HelpSpot.
Then add a HelpSpot Action and under Event select ‘Create a New Request’. If this is your first time setting up HelpSpot in Zapier, you’ll need the URL of your workspace AND the API token we created earlier in HelpSpot.
Copy those two pieces of information over and you should be able to connect HelpSpot & Zapier.
Set Up Action
Under Set Up Action, look under Step 1 (Catch Hook in Webhooks) and look for the Text from the original webhook. It should say ‘I need help with my printer’, if you use the example we gave earlier.
Then scroll down and under First Name, Last Name, and Email fields, look for that information in what’s returned by Step 2 of the Zap.
Once that’s done, hit Continue, and then go ahead and test your action.
Wrapping Up
Log into HelpSpot, and if all is well, you should see a new ticket in HelpSpot that has the correct first name, last name, email, and whatever you typed in Slack to create the ticket.
Once everything is good to go, publish your Zap and you should now be able to
8. Formstack Integration
8.1. Getting started with the Formstack <-> HelpSpot Integration
Formstack’s HelpSpot integration allows you to collect data on a Form in Formstack and send it to your HelpSpot installation while also triggering other actions, such as adding the user to a mailing list or your CRM.
To add HelpSpot to your form, go into Formstack and then go to Form > Settings > Integration > Help Desk > and click the Add button next to HelpSpot. Additionally, you can use the Search bar to easily find the integration. Once you add the Integration, click Settings or HelpSpot on the left.
Formstack uses the public HelpSpot API, so you will need to enter the URL of your HelpSpot installation and then map the fields you want to pass along. By default, you can pass on Name, Email (required), User ID, Phone, Urgent, Note (required), Attachment, and Category.
If you choose a HelpSpot Category, you can map the Public fields for that category as well.
To make sure the public HelpSpot API is turned on, head to Admin > Settings > Web Service API and check off the ‘Public API’ box.
Formstack’s HelpSpot integration is maintained by Formstack, so visit HelpSpot Integration for up to date information on the integration and how it works.
1. API Field Definitions
accesskey | The request ID and random characters string that together allow access to a request from the portal. The access key is also used in the API to make request lookups via the public interface. |
acting_person_xperson | The ID of the person logged in and acting within HelpSpot causing the action to occur. |
acting_person_fusertype | The user type of the person logged in and acting within HelpSpot causing the action to occur.
acting_person_fname | The first name of the person logged in and acting within HelpSpot causing the action to occur. |
acting_person_lname | The last name of the person logged in and acting within HelpSpot causing the action to occur. |
acting_person_email | The email of the person logged in and acting within HelpSpot causing the action to occur. |
afterDate | A unix timestamp (timezone adjusted) of the date/time to search after based on open date. |
anyall | When searching this specifies if you're doing an AND or an OR type search. The default is "all". |
assigned_person_fname | The assigned users first name |
assigned_person_lname | The assigned users last name |
assigned_person_email | The assigned users email |
beforeDate | A unix timestamp (timezone adjusted) of the date/time to search before based on open date. |
closedBeforeDate | A unix timestamp (timezone adjusted) of the date/time to search before based on closing date. |
closedAfterDate | A unix timestamp (timezone adjusted) of the date/time to search after based on closing date. |
Custom# | A custom field value. See the custom field section for more details. |
dtGMTDateAdded | A unix timestamp (timezone adjusted) of the date/time the event was added. Defaults to the current date/time. |
email_from | The xMailbox ID of the mailbox to send emails from for this request or request update. |
email_cc | Comma separated list of emails to CC on a request note. EX: tim@domain.com,bill@example.com |
email_bcc | Comma separated list of emails to BCC on a request note. EX: tim@domain.com,bill@example.com |
email_to | External notes only. Comma separated list of emails to send the note to. EX: tim@domain.com,bill@example.com |
email_staff | Comma separated list of staff ID's (this is the staffers xPerson value) to notify on the note. EX 4,8,14 |
fBillable | 1 if the time event should be tracked as billable, 0 otherwise. |
fEmailUpdate | 1 if the forum poster is subscribing via email to the topic, 0 otherwise. |
fOpen | 1 if the request is open, 0 otherwise. |
File#_sFilename | A file name for the uploading file. See the file upload section for more details. |
File#_sFileMimeType | The mime type of the uploading file. EX: text/text or text/html. See the file upload section for more details. |
File#_bFileBody | The base 64 encoded body of the uploading file. See the file upload section for more details. |
fNoteIsHTML | If the note contains HTML or plain text. Defaults to the on/off values of Admin->Settings->HTML Emails.
fNoteType | The type of note being posted via the API.
fOpenedVia | The ID of the method in which the request was opened. Valid values are:
fRawValues | This is a special flag. By default in the API most method calls will automatically translate dates, xPerson values, xCategory values, xStatus values and other reference ID's into their true values. This greatly reduces the number API calls which are required to display the results of a method. However, in some circumstances you may actual want the raw reference numbers. In this case you should set this value to 1 and the raw data will be returned. |
fTrash | 1 if the request is in the trash, 0 otherwise. |
fUrgent | 1 if the request is urgent, 0 otherwise. |
iDay | The day of the month a time event occured. (1-31) |
iMonth | The month of the year a time event occured. (1-12) |
iYear | The year a time event occured. |
length | Number of results to return in a result set. |
q | A search query string. |
relativedate | Searches for requests in the time period relative to the current time based on open date.
reportingTags | A comma separated list of reporting tag ID's (xReportingTag). Normally these are retrieved with the private.request.getCategories API call. Each categories reporting tags are included along with their ID's. |
sBrowser | The browser of the forum poster. |
sEmail | The customers email address. |
sFilterView | The type of notes to return for a filter stream.
sFirstName | The customers first name. |
sIP | The IP of the forum poster. |
sLastName | The customers last name. |
sName | The name provided by a forum poster. |
sOS | The operating system of the forum poster. |
sPhone | The customers phone number. |
sSearch | When searching a request this is a full text search string that will be used to search against all the request history notes. |
start | Result sets should start from this row, defaults to 0. Use this to paginate results in methods which support it. |
sTitle | In a request this is the original email subject. If submitting a request update this field holds the value of the subject line you intend to use in the email. If not provided the standard default will be used. |
sTopic | The name of a forum topic. |
sURL | The URL provided by a forum poster. |
sUserId | The customers ID. This is not a HelpSpot ID, but rather is your companies ID for the customer. The value is a string and may contain letters along with numbers. |
tDescription | The description of a time event. |
tNote | The text of a request history item. Usually the body of an email or a post from the web form. You'll usually need to check the fNoteIsHTML value to see if the note is HTML or plain text. |
tPost | The text of a forum post. |
tTime | The lenght of time to be registered as a time event. 2 formats are supported. Hours and minutes (hh:mm, ex 2 hours 15 minutes would be 2:15) and decimal hours (2.5 hours). |
xBook | The ID of a knowledge book. |
xCategory | The ID of a category. |
xFilter | The ID of a users filter. |
xForumId | The ID of a forum. |
xPage | The ID of a knowledge book page. |
xPerson | The ID of a staff member. |
xPersonAssignedTo | The ID of the staff member the request is assigned to. |
xPersonOpenedBy | The ID of the staff member who opened the request. Use 0 to set the customer as the person opening the request. |
xPortal | The ID of a secondary portal to associate the request with |
xRequest | The ID of a request. |
xStatus | The ID of a status. |
xTimeId | The ID of a time event. |
xTopicId | The ID of a forum topic. |
Custom Fields
Throughout the system custom fields are referenced by Custom# where the # is the ID of the custom field. So to reference custom field 5 you would use Custom5. If you do reference a custom field when creating or updating a request and do not provide a value you will receive an error: "Required parameter Custom# not supplied".
When setting custom field values through the API some field types have special requirements. A description of these fields is below.
Predefined List | Values you set should be a valid part of the list. |
Drill Down List | Drill down values must be returned in a special serialized format. Each level of the drill down is separate by #-#. So for a 2 level drill down the value to set would look like this: Boston#-#8st |
Date Fields | Should be a Unix Timestamp of the date. |
Date/Time Fields | Should be a Unix Timestamp of the date/time. |
Regular Expression Field | Your API client should check for regex correctness. The regex is stored and checked in Javascript. |
AJAX Selection Field | Your API client should check for a valid value based on what your ajax field would normally supply. |
Checkbox | 1 for checked, 0 for not. |
Skipping Custom Field Checks
When creating a request or updating it using the private api you may want to skip the custom field requirement checks for certain operations. This is possible by setting the api variable skipCustomChecks to 1.
File Uploads
The methods which accept file uploads all work in the same fashion. Up to 9 files may be uploaded at a time with each request. Each file should be numbered 1-9 and the fields created with appropriate names. For example these would be the valid field names for 2 files being uploaded:
Also note that the bFileBody value should be base64 encoded and that sFileMimeType should be a valid mime type so that the file is served correctly.