HomeAdmin ManualCustomizing HelpSpotTemplates: The Basics

5.1. Templates: The Basics

The HelpSpot portal is fully customizable to allow integration with any website or intranet.  Please note that if you're on a hosted trial, you'll need to contact support to enable editing of portal templates.


HelpSpot templates are HTML with PHP, not an esoteric template language. This means PHP can be used within the templates themselves to call user-defined functions, includes, an other PHP constructs. This can make customizing an installation easier to allow the inclusion of templates from a main site, thereby preventing the duplication of code.

Editing Templates

The easiest way to edit the portal templates is by navigating to Admin > Customize > Portal Templates. Here you can view and edit the templates for your primary portal and any secondary portals. HelpSpot automatically versions your changes and allows you to roll them back if needed.

If you with to edit the files on the server directly, templates are located in the folder: /helpspot/templates. While it's possible to modify the files there directly it is not recommended. Instead it is recommended that the files be copied and placed in: /custom_templates. HelpSpot's template system will automatically check the /custom_templates folder and use the template from there instead of from /helpspot/templates. Using a custom templates folder prevents customizations from being overwritten during future version upgrades.

Common Files to Modify

These files are included on each page of the portal. For a basic level of integration (ie: standardizing 'look and feel), modifying only these files, in most cases, would be enough.

List of All Templates

Each template contains specific documentation inside it, so please see the templates themselves for more details

Template Description
captcha.tpl.php HTML elements for the CAPTCHA system
css.blue.tpl.php (Blue) CSS styles used in the portal
css.clean.tpl.php (Clean) CSS styles used in the portal
css.grey.tpl.php (Grey) CSS styles used in the portal
css.tpl.php (Classic) CSS styles used in the portal
footer.tpl.php HTML footer used across all portal pages
header.tpl.php The HTML header is stored in this file as well as the 'container' DIV that holds all other page elements. Often just adding your organizations standard header to this file is enough to provide a consistent feel across the sites.
home.tpl.php The portals homepage
ie.css.blue.tpl.php (Blue) Special IE specific CSS styles used in the portal
ie.css.clean.tpl.php (Clean) Special IE specific CSS styles used in the portal
ie.css.grey.tpl.php (Grey) Special IE specific CSS styles used in the portal
ie.css.tpl.php (Classic) Special IE specific CSS styles used in the portal
index.tpl.php A special page that includes the correct template. All pages pass through the index template.
js.tpl.php Javascript required for the portal
kb.book.tpl.php Books table of contents page
kb.chapter.tpl.php Chapter with list of chapter pages
kb.page.tpl.php Knowledge book page
kb.printer.friendly.tpl.php All a knowledge books pages on one page for easy printing.
kb.tpl.php List of available knowledge books
login.create.tpl.php Customer account creation page
login.forgot.tpl.php Customer forgot password page
login.reset.tpl.php Customer reset password page
loginbar.tpl.php The menu bar at the top of the request check pages when a user is logged in.
maintenance.tpl.php A page which is shown to visitors when the system is in maintenance mode
navigation.tpl.php HTML for side bar navigation used across all portal pages
request.check.tpl.php Page where customers check their requests
request.history.tpl.php List of requests visitors see when logged into the portal
request.tpl.php Submit a request form
search.tpl.php Search results page
searchbox.tpl.php HTML for search box used across all portal pages
tag.search.tpl.php List of pages/topics matching a knowledge tag
terms.tpl.php HTML Elements for agreeing to the terms and privacy policy.

Knowledge Tags

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