HomeInstallation and Upgrade ManualUpgrading From HelpSpot 4.9.5 To HelpSpot 5.xHelpSpot 5 Admin Theme Changes

4.6. HelpSpot 5 Admin Theme Changes

Helpspot 5 introduces a new admin / workspace interface. With this change comes changes to how admin area themes are handled. In the past, you would create a new admin theme and customize the js and css in order to apply your customization. Those admin themes now need to be migrated to the custom JS and CSS boxes found in Admin > Customize > Customize Admin.

CSS customization

The css customization setting will override default styles. So for example if you wanted to make the new request button green, you can target that element with a normal css class.

a.btn.newrequest {background-color: #65ac5d;}

JS customization

Javascript can be added for making programmatic changes to the HelpSpot admin area. JQuery is available under the $jq alias.

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