Home → Users Manual → Workspace: Request Grid → General Layout
4.1. General Layout
The request grid is the display area for requests meeting specified criteria. The criteria will vary depending on the filtered view (Inbox, My Queue, or custom-filtered view) the user is in.
At the top of every request grid is the name of the view. For those views that are system created, it will be the names designated by HelpSpot; Inbox and My Queue. For those views created by Administrators or Users, via filters, it will be the name designated during filter creation. Just after the view name, Users will find a request count. This count reflects the number of requests that match the defined conditions.
To the far right of the name and count the filter menu allows access to other filter functions.
- Edit. If the current user is the filter owner or an admin they can edit the filter criteria.
- Stream: Users can go between the request grid and the note stream layouts. These views are described more in-depth below.
- Options: Within the options menu, Users have access to delete filter or make the filtered view the default workspace. Every filtered view can be exported into a .csv file or viewed via an RSS reader.
Request Grid: Default Columns
The request grid returns specific information, in columns, for each request that is included in the results set for the view. The Inbox and My Queue have a default set of columns that are returned. Those columns returned in custom-created filtered views are defined by upon creation. Working left to right in the request grid, the default columns are outlined below.
- Quick Action check box. The check box to the far right of all requests is used to select the request(s) for which one of the quick actions will be taken. A complete list of quick actions available is discussed later in this chapter.
- Take It (Inbox or custom filtered view only). Allows Users to take a request to work. Once clicked, Users will be brought to the request page. At this point the request is assigned and will no longer be visible in the Inbox.
- Read/Reply Indicator. A graphical indicator of the most recent action taken on the request.
Green dot. The most recent update to the request that is unread by the assigned User. |
Grey dot. User has read the update but a Staff member has yet to reply. |
Circular Arrow. Staff member was the last to reply. |
Users can click the green/grey dot to change the read/unread state.
- Request ID. This is the ID auto-assigned to each request when it enters the system. Within the Inbox, there is no request ID but rather the Take It button.
- Customer Name. First and last are shown, if provided.
- Initial Request. Shows the first few sentences of the initial request sent by the Customer. The text can be clicked to preview the body of the message.
- Age. Shows the length of time that has passed since the initial request was created.
Note Stream View
By default, HelpSpot loads each filtered view a grid-type layout (as outlined above). However, on the fly, Users can switch to the note stream view that shows only the real-time activity of requests. Users can specify if they want to see the following update types:
- Staff only (public updates)
- Staff only w/private
- Customer only
- Customer & Staff
Users can think of this view as a timeline of request activity within the filtered view.
Simply clicking the grid-like icon will return Users to the standard, request grid view.