Home → Users Manual → Appendix: Feature In-Depths → Merging Requests
3. Merging Requests
The request merging feature forces the request history of one request into another. This is often used when multiple requests are created for the same Customer regarding the same inquiry.
Merging can be done from the:
- request grid view, via the quick action buttons, or
- within the request page, from the Merge link within the options menu.
Once the merge is complete, the User will be brought to the request page for the receiving request. The individual request histories of the merged request are inserted in chronological order within the receiving request. All merged histories are clearly identified, allowing you to retain an accurate account of all interactions.
Any responses to the original request are automatically routed to the newly created, merged, request.
Note: It is not possible to 'unmerge' once your requests have been merged together, so make sure you're certain you want to merge!