Home → Admin Manual → Authentication → Black Box Authentication (agent login) with Active Directory
3.4. Black Box Authentication (agent login) with Active Directory
These instructions should work with most Active Directory installations, however, minor adjustments may need to be made to fit your exact setup.
- Download the Active Directory/PHP Helper library from http://adldap.sourceforge.net/
- Unpack the download and place the adLDAP library files (as of this writing, the 'adLDAP.php' file and the 'classes' and 'collections' directories) into the /custom_code folder of your HelpSpot installation.
- Open adLDAP.php in a text editor. Around line 82 there starts a few variables you'll need to modify so that an AD connection can be made to your AD server. You'll likely need to modify at least $accountSuffix , $baseDn, and $domainControllers variables. When finished save the file.
- Copy the file /custom_code/BlackBox-base.php to /custom_code/BlackBox.php
- Open BlackBox.php in a text editor. Replace the BlackBox function with this code (sample file also available at the bottom of this page):
//include the class require_once("adLDAP.php"); function BlackBox($username, $password){ //create the AD LDAP connection $adldap = new adLDAP(); //authenticate a user if ($adldap->authenticate($username,$password)){ return true; }else{ return false; } }
- Login to HelpSpot and go to Settings in the upper right hand corner. Make sure the 'Black Box Username' field contains your Active Directory username or you will not be able to login. Every other user must also have this field filled in or they will not be able to login. You don't need to enter them all right now though.
- Go to Admin->Settings and under 'Authentication' select 'Black Box'. Save the settings and Black Box/Active Directory authentication will be enabled. You should log out, if the system doesn't do it for you and attempt to login with your Active Directory username and password.
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