HomeAdmin ManualSecondary PortalsExplanation of Each Portal Setting

9.3. Explanation of Each Portal Setting

Administrators should go to Admin area->Tools->Manage Secondary Portals. It is from here the process begins. The following fields, described below, are the first phase of two phases in the creation process.

Remember: Because every secondary portal is based on the primary portal, settings not described here use the values in Admin->Settings->Portal.

Portal Name - This overrides the organization name that is used in the Primary portal. This name will be shown in the header of the secondary portal and is also used as a label when reference is made to this portal in the request history, workspace, filters, and reports.

Portal URL - The URL of the secondary portal. This may be an alternate domain or a subfolder of where HelpSpot is currently installed. For instance, if HelpSpot is installed at:


and this secondary portal is going to support a different website at www.cookies.com then you would set this URL to be:


Note that there should be no trailing slash at the end of the URL.

File System Directory Path - The file path to the URL. This path need to be on the same server as the main HelpSpot installation or a network accessible path. This path is used to reach the /custom_templates folder for this secondary portal and include an override files in that folder.

Note that there should be no trailing slash at the end of the file path.

Categories to Display - This is a list of all the public categories created in Admin->Categories. Any categories checked will be available in the category drop down of the secondary portals submit a request form.

This allows flexibility in customizing the request form for this portal. For example, if this secondary portal is for another department only categories related to that department would be checked.

Checking no categories will prevent the category selection drop down from being visible on the request form for this portal.

Custom Fields to Display - This is a list of all public custom fields created in Admin->Tools->Custom Request Fields. Any custom fields checked will be available on the secondary portals submit a request form.

Note that they will still be restricted to whatever visibility has been specified for them so if the custom field only shows up for particular categories you'll want to make sure those categories are checked in "Categories to Display" as described above.

Knowledge Books to Display - A list of all public knowledge books. Selected books will be available on this secondary portal.

Forums to Display - A list of all public Forums. Selected forums will be available on this secondary portal.

Remember that all public categories, custom fields, books and forums are always visible on the primary portal (built in portal). If this is not desirable in your situation you should read this page on how to change that.

Send Emails From When an email is generated from this portal (ie: auto reply for when a request is created or User/Staff replies to requests) this is the mailbox that will show as the FROM. This is an important setting if you're supporting a secondary website where you want the email domain to match the portals domain.

Customer Log-in View - Mailboxes selected allow requests created via those mailboxes for a logged in portal visitor to be shown in the request history for that customer. So, logging into this secondary portal will allow customers to see all requests they created via the portal form as well as requests emailed in to any of the mailboxes selected in this setting.

Portal Phone - Show a phone number for this secondary portal in the portals left navigation.

Portal Homepage Message - Override the default portal message that's in Admin->Settings->Portal. This message appears on the portals homepage. It can include HTML.

The second phase of the creation process requires directories be created and files be moved to specified locations. Each step of the process is outlined on screen and should be followed to completion.

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