Home → Admin Manual → Customizing HelpSpot → Widget Tab Setup
5.10. Widget Tab Setup
The widget tab allows you to gather questions/feedback from any page on your website or even multiple websites. With just a few lines of javascript the tab can be included on any web page.
The widget is completely configurable for seamless integration with your website, even the image used for the tab itself can be changed.
Basic Setup:
<style type="text/css">@import url('http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk/widgets/widgets.css');</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk/widgets/widgets.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> HelpSpotWidget.Tab.show({ // Nearly every aspect of the widget is customizable, complete documentation here: // http://www.helpspot.com/helpdesk/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=323 host: 'http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk' }); </script>
Where to Place the Code:
The inclusion code should be placed on every page where you want the tab to appear. For performance it's best to place the code at the bottom of your HTML page just inside the closing </body> tag.
Complete Example:
This example shows every configuration option in use.
<style type="text/css">@import url('http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk/widgets/widgets.css');</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk/widgets/widgets.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> HelpSpotWidget.Tab.show({ host: 'http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk', alignment: 'left', tabtype: 'questions', tabtype_custom_img: '', top: '30%', width: 600, color: 'white', background_color: '#222222', hover_color: '#222222', popup_background_color: '#fff', popup_border_color: '#ccc', popup_border_size: '10px', overlay_color: '#000', default_note: '', default_name: '', default_email: '', use_field_name: true, text_header: 'How can we help?', text_intro: 'Submit your question/comment for a member of our team.', text_note: 'Question', text_note_er: 'Please provide some information on your request', text_email: 'Your Email', text_email_er: 'Please provide your email address', text_name: 'Your Name', text_name_er: 'Please provide your name', text_submit: 'Submit', text_msg_submit: 'Message sent, thank you.', text_msg_submit_error: 'Sorry, there was an error.', text_msg_submit_error_link: 'Please try this form', text_msg_submit_error_url: 'http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/helpdesk', text_loading: 'Loading...', text_special: '' //,onLoad: function(){ alert('open'); }, //onClose: function(){ alert('close'); } }); </script>
CSS Customizations:
The options above allow you to control the look of the tab, but the form itself can be customized via CSS. To do so put a file named widget_tab.css inside your /custom_code folder. If the system detects this file it will include it on the tabs form page automatically.
Option Descriptions:
host | The root URL of your HelpSpot installation |
alignment | The tab can be aligned left or right on the page |
tabtype | Image that's shown in the tab. Options are: questions, contact, support, feedback, help |
tabtype_custom_img | Full URL to an image to use for the tab other than one of the defaults |
top | % or PX for how far from the top of the screen the tab should be positioned |
width | How wide the popup window will be |
color | Color of the tab image to use: white or black |
background_color | Background color of the tab |
hover_color | Color used when the tab is hovered over |
popup_background_color | Color for the background of the popup box |
popup_border_color: | Color used in the popup box border |
popup_border_size | Thickness of the popup border |
overlay_color | Color of the background overlay behind the popup |
default_note | Text to be inserted in the note field by default |
default_name | Text to be inserted in the name field by default (if being used) |
default_email | Text to be inserted in the email field by default |
use_field_name | Show the name field to be filled in by the visitor (true/false), defaults to false |
text_header | Large text shown at top of popup |
text_intro | Subheading text |
text_note | Label for the note field |
text_note_er | Error text when the note field is not filled in |
text_email | Label for the email field |
text_email_er | Error text when the email field is not filled in |
text_name | Label for the name field |
text_name_er | Error text when the name field is not filled in |
text_submit | Submit button text |
text_msg_submit | Shown when a request is successfully submitted |
text_msg_submit_error | Shown if there is an error sending in the request |
text_msg_submit_error_link | When there is an error a link is provided to a secondary form to try (if an error link URL is set) |
text_msg_submit_error_url | URL to link to if an error occurs when submitting the request from the tab |
text_loading | Text to use while the widget loads |
text_special | Text that sits below the text_intro which has a special style applied. Good for unique notes or temporary messages. |
onLoad | A javascript function that will executed when the popup box opens |
onClose | A javascript function that will be executed after the popup closes |