HomeInstallation and Upgrade ManualUpgrading From HelpSpot 4.9.5 To HelpSpot 5.xUpdating to HelpSpot 5 - Windows Manual Update IIS/MSSQL

4.3. Updating to HelpSpot 5 - Windows Manual Update IIS/MSSQL

Update PHP

  1. Stop IIS
  2. Download the latest NTS build of PHP 8 for x86 - https://windows.php.net/download/
  3. Extract the files to a temporary location
  4. Backup your current PHP directory located C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php
  5. Copy the new PHP 8 installation to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php
  6. Copy the php.ini file from your php backup folder to your new php folder
  7. Download the latest SQL Server php extensions from https://github.com/microsoft/msphpsql/releases and move the x86 dll files to the C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php\ext directory
  8. Edit your php.ini file as follows
    Remove the ioncube loader line:
    zend_extension="C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_7.2.dll"
    Update the sql server extension file names:
    should become

Update HelpSpot Files

  1. Download and unpack the latest helpspot zip package from https://store.helpspot.com
  2. Backup your current helpspot directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\
  3. Create a new C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\ directory and place the HelpSpot 5 files in that directory.
  4. Copy the config.php from your HelpSpot 4 backup to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\
  5. Copy the \custom_templates directory from your HelpSpot 4 backup to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\public\custom_templates
  6. Copy the \custom_code directory from your HelpSpot 4 backup to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\public\custom_code
  7. Copy the \custom_pages directory from your HelpSpot 4 backup to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\helpspot\custom_pages
  8. Copy the \data\documents directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\storage\documents

Move IIS Site Directory

  1. Open the IIS Manager
  2. If your HelpSpot site is hosted in a virtual directory click on it and then select "basic settings" from the actions tray
  3. Change the physical path to the public subdirectory in your installation
  4. If you HelpSpot site is hosted at the root of the site change the physical path in the "basic settings" for the site.

Add your handler mapping

  1. In the IIS Manager go the handler mappings for your virtual folder or site.
  2. Add a new Module Mapping Request path: *.php
    Module: FastCGIModule
    Executable: "C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php\php-cgi.exe"
    Name: PHP

Add Default Document

  1. In the IIS Manager go the default Documents for your virtual folder or site.
  2. Add a new default document of index.php

Setup IIS URL Rewrite Extension

  1. Download the extension from https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite
  2. Install the extension.

Modify Storage File Permissions

  1. Modify the file permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\storage to allow full access to the user running your application pool. By default this is the IUSR.
  2. Create a php tmp folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php\tmp\ and give full permission to the running your application pool. By default this is the IUSR.

Update HelpSpot

  1. Open the command line and cd to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot
  2. Convert your config file: ..\php\php.exe hs config:convert
  3. Generate a app key: ..\php\php.exe hs install:key
  4. Update HelpSpot: ..\php\php.exe hs update

Setup Your Queue

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot\helpers\windows
  2. Modify the first two lines to reflect your paths in your installation. By default these will be:
    set AppPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\helpspot
    set PHPPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\helpspot\php
  3. Run setup.bat. This will create your supervisor.conf file and install your queue services

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